How to connect an ammeter?

Adăugat: Wednesday, 4/26/2023

Safety is the most important thing and you should always remember that. There are devices that can be called essential and one of them is an ammeter . It is used to measure the intensity of electric current. It's worth finding out more about it.


Check ammeters at the Onninen wholesaler

How to connect an ammeter?

Connecting an ammeter requires some knowledge, but in principle it is not very difficult. To start with, there are two types of ammeters. The first are analog devices that indicate value by deflecting the device's pointer. The second is digital ammeters, which are most commonly used today. They are equipped with electronic systems. If you want to measure the current flowing through a conductor, you must connect an ammeter in series so that the current you want to measure flows through the ammeter. You also need to know that connecting in series means that the ammeter is part of the circuit. It is necessary to measure the voltage on the shunt, i.e. a resistor with minimum resistance. This is where the potential difference occurs and is indicated by the meter. The measurement error cannot generally be large because the internal resistance is close to zero. To connect an ammeter to the circuit, you need to follow several steps.

  1. Turn off the power before connecting the ammeter, otherwise there is a risk of electric shock
  2. Select measurement mode - before connecting, select the measurement mode, e.g. serial or parallel
  3. Choose the right connection point - this means that you need to connect the ammeter in a place where current flows
  4. Connect an ammeter - remember that in series mode there may be resistance in the circuit, which in turn reduces the current/
  5. Take a measurement - turn off the power and take a measurement.

Ammeter - diagram

Prometh ammeter An ammeter is the meter that provides the most effective measurements. This is where the pattern plays a big role. This means that we connect the ammeter to the branch in which we want to measure the current. The current I is the ratio of the charge Q that flows through the cross-section S. We use an ammeter to measure the current I in the circuit. All the current in a given section of the circuit flows through this device, which means that there is the least resistance, thus guaranteeing optimal results. In this case, the diagram shows voltage U, which is the potential difference understood as V1 - V2.

Symbols in an ammeter

Electrical circuit diagrams use specific symbols that are intended for an ammeter. Belong to them:

  • k, which means the ammeter terminals are short-circuited;
  • R - means resistance;
  • the voltage is calculated using the formula U=RI;
  • I - current;
  • Q - charge ratio
  • S - cross-section of the medium;
  • mΩ - electrical resistance expressed in milliohms on the dial of an analog ammeter;
  • μH - electrical inductance expressed in microhenries on the dial of an analog ammeter.

Digital multimeters are very often used as measurement tools on ammeters. Thanks to them, you can measure various quantities such as current, voltage, resistance, capacity, inductance and even temperature. Some devices have additional outputs to check the correct operation of transistors. Smaller ranges can be measured on the terminal responsible for voltage measurement. For example, if you want to measure higher currents, it is better to change the range and terminal. Resistance is measured using an internal current source using Ohm's law.

Ammeters at the Onninen electrical wholesaler

Emas RDA1A ammeter We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the offer of the Onninen electrical wholesaler . When looking for good ammeters, it is worth choosing the EMAS ammeter , specifically the RDA1A model. This is a portable digital ammeter. It is used to measure the intensity of direct and alternating current. It provides extremely precise measurements that appear very quickly on the LED display. The PROMET NEF30 MC digital meter and AC ammeter is also a great choice. It is small. It is used to measure current in the range of 1A directly or from a transformer. It is additionally equipped with a current loop indicator and a bargraph. You can also choose the PROMET 5A AC ammeter . It provides a measurement range of 5A and is made of strong material. Like previous devices, it has the same degree of protection, i.e. IP 65. It is used to measure current directly or from a transformer.

Check ammeters at the Onninen wholesaler