Spirit level type R 300 244 cm SA18376
Fizetési módok
Előnyök a cégek számáraSpirit level type R 300 244 cm SA18376 - leírás
The Type & nbsp; R & nbsp; 300 spirit level has been specially designed for the most difficult construction conditions and meets all the needs of professional users - this is a spirit level unique of its kind. It is not only handy and easy to use, but also extremely durable, light and thanks to the torsion-resistant five-chamber R-shaped profile - resistant. The very wide measuring surface ensures high stability during the measurement.
10-year warranty for the entire product
Az értékesítési egységre vonatkozó méretek és tömeg: 1 pcs
length/width/height/weight/volume:2,44 m / 0,042 m / 0,059 m / 2,849 kg / 0,006 m3
Customs code:90318020
Fizetési módok
Előnyök a cégek számára