The cost of building a house from shell to turnkey completion

Added: Tuesday, 7/27/2021

It is no secret that building a house is a significant expense. Its amount depends, of course, on the selected technology, design, construction materials used, employed team and building area, but in each case you should prepare several hundred thousand zlotys for this purpose. In our text, we will look at the specific costs of individual stages of building a house - from the shell to turnkey finishing.

The cost of building a house from shell to turnkey completion

From this text you will learn:

  • what costs to take into account when building a house,
  • what is the approximate cost of building a single-family house
  • what electrical, water and heating devices are worth considering.

Building a house - initial cost assumptions

To determine the specific costs of building a house, it is necessary to determine the nature of the facility. So let's use the example of an average building with dimensions and specifications typical of projects most often implemented in Poland. The prices for individual stages of work will apply to a two-story building with an area of 140 m2 , a simple shape, a gable roof and standard finishing.

By estimating the costs of subsequent stages of building a house, we will go through the open and closed shell stage, up to turnkey finishing. However, the calculations will not include expenses such as:

  • purchase of a building plot,
  • development of the plot (connecting utilities),
  • purchase of a building design,
  • development of a possible garden.

The costs of the above elements may vary significantly, so taking them into account in the estimation makes little sense. In the calculations, we will use average national prices of construction materials and labor and only net values.

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House design and necessary formalities

The cost of building a house from shell to turnkey completion Preparing to build a house involves, first of all, purchasing its design. You can choose from a ready-made or individual design. In the first case, you must take into account an expense of PLN 1,500 - 4,000 and additional costs of PLN 1,200 - 2,500 for adapting the plan to specific field conditions. The price of an individual project may range between PLN 5,000 and PLN 15,000 and includes complete documentation necessary during construction. This plan will be precisely tailored to your personal requirements and local conditions.

The purchased project will decide on other important formal issues, such as collecting geodetic maps, marking out the outline of the building and selecting and employing a construction manager.

The cost of building a house - closed shell

At the open shell stage, the building already has a complete structure and a roof with covering. However, only in the closed shell state will windows, external doors and partition walls be installed in the designated places. How much does it cost to build a house up to this point?

The cost estimate for our one-story building with an area of 140 m2 should include expenses for:

  • Foundations - i.e. earthworks, construction of foundation strips and concrete block walls, full insulation, lean concrete slab and substructure: PLN 24,000. zloty .
  • Load-bearing walls - i.e. building materials and bricklayer's remuneration: PLN 23,000. zloty .
  • Ceilings : 45 thousand zloty .
  • Roof - i.e. prefabricated roof truss, membrane covering, ceramic roof tiles, as well as PVC gutters, roof windows, insulation and, of course, the roofing company's remuneration: PLN 56,000. zloty .
  • External joinery - i.e. entrance door, garage gate and windows: PLN 29,000. zloty .
  • Partition walls : 9 thousand zloty .
  • Chimneys and ventilation system : approx. 8 thousand. zloty .
  • Balcony - i.e. construction of a slab, additional façade, floor and balustrade - PLN 7.5 thousand. zloty .
  • Stairs : 2.5 thousand zloty .

To sum up, the construction of an average house in a closed shell state should cost approximately PLN 204,000. zloty.

House construction costs - turnkey finishing

House construction costs - turnkey finishing There are still many expenses that separate you from the closed shell state to turnkey finishing. These will include, among others, the costs of facades, internal installations, wall and floor finishing and window sills. Let's look at them one by one.

Insulation and façade

In this case, the prices of materials such as mineral wool or polystyrene and labor costs should be taken into account. These expenses will be much higher than in previous years, due to the introduction of new insulation standards for buildings under construction. The current cost of insulation and finishing of the external walls of the ground floor and attic of a 140-meter house will be approximately PLN 40,000. zloty.

Internal installations

The basis for finishing the house are electrical, water and heating installations. The cost of their installation will depend, among other things, on the number of access points.

Electrical installation

There is no doubt that a 140-meter house requires approximately 100 points, for the construction of which (material and labor) the electrician will collect approximately PLN 14.5 thousand. zloty .

Check out the offer of cables and wires at Onninen

In the past, only a few sockets and light switches were enough in houses or apartments. Due to the development of technology and therefore the change in our lifestyle, there are many more needs in the context of electrical equipment. There are plenty of options on the market. Among them, it is definitely worth considering:

  • R-TV-SAT antenna socket - an interesting solution will be the economical modular series Simon 10. The distinguishing element of this series is a non-conductive bridge made of high-quality material ensuring durability, flexibility and safety during assembly work.
  • Speaker socket made of thermoplastic with a central cover plate.
  • Telephone and computer socket (category 5e, Sedna series, Schneider brand), whose long and solid claws with a self-return function are held in a vertical position by metal guides. This facilitates installation and increases safety when mounting the mechanism in the installation box.
  • "RTV/SAT" subscriber socket with two SAT outputs with a modern quick-connect mechanism, which ensures safe and secure installation and disassembly of cables.

As you know, each of the electrical accessories listed above is part of a system that improves the quality of life of household members. Already at this stage it is worth paying attention to the fact that it was an integral part of the style in which the interiors are decorated.


Assuming that our example house has 2 bathrooms, a kitchen and an additional toilet, this gives approximately 10 water intake points for which a plumber may demand approximately PLN 7,000. PLN (prices of building materials and construction costs).

The connection is responsible for supplying water to the house from the water supply network . Therefore, the water supply system should be connected to the draw-off points in the bathrooms, kitchen, toilet, utility rooms, laundry room and garage. It is definitely worth paying attention to the fact that in many places hot water taps will be needed, which may determine the shape of the water installation.

Check the offer of water supply networks and connections in Onninen

Kospel electric instantaneous water heater Water can be heated in several ways. When it is prepared in individual heaters that are installed next to specific faucets, a main pipe with cold water is run from the connection. An example of such a device is an electric instantaneous water heater from the Kospel brand, whose small size is perfect for the shower.

However, if the water is heated in a boiler or other heater (common to all draw-off points), then a pipe with cold water is led to individual batteries and to the heat source. A heated water pipe runs parallel to the cold water pipe, and sometimes a third one - a circulation pipe - runs to the furthest draw-off point. In this way, hot water constantly circulates in the installation, making it available immediately after turning on the tap.

Heating installation

The average cost of the heating system depends on the heat source and the type of its distribution. You can use traditional radiators or underfloor heating to raise the temperature in rooms. To learn more about underfloor heating, check out our guide .

By combining the advantages of both solutions, you will spend approximately PLN 17,000 on installation. PLN , to which another 18-21 thousand should be added. PLN for the purchase and installation of the boiler. You can choose from, among others, a solid fuel or biomass furnace, but also, for example, a heat pump.

When installing, it is also worth thinking about the promoted ecological solutions and regulations that regulate the use of individual heating systems. An excellent solution worth considering are modern heat pumps, which are suitable for both heating and air conditioning.

Galmet heat pumps

Staying on the topic of heating, it is worth paying attention to the PRIMA hybrid heating system from the Galmet brand, which uses renewable energy for comprehensive building services (heating, cooling and domestic water heating). The most important advantages of this set include:

  • pump operation at temperatures down to -25°C,
  • temperature at the outlet of the heat pump up to 65°C,
  • ecological refrigerant – R32,
  • 2 silent operation modes,
  • online control via application,
  • quick heating of hot water,
  • subsidies in the Clean Air program thanks to the A ++ class.

When building a house, you should take into account renewable energy sources, such as solar collectors and photovoltaics. This investment will certainly pay off within a few years. You can learn more about the costs of photovoltaics in our article .

Planning renewable energy sources at the stage of building a house is also a great saving - both energy and money. The roof layout and the location of the installation determine how much electricity you will recover and what costs you will incur.

Check out Galmet heat pumps in the wholesale offer

Finishing floors, walls and window sills

Turnkey house finishing must include flooring, plastering walls and ceilings, and installing window sills. These are not small costs:

  • Floors - floors on the ground floor of the building require a thicker layer of insulation, so their construction will be more expensive than the floors on the first floor. In total, you will pay an average of PLN 8.5 thousand for materials and labor. zloty .
  • Walls - finishing the walls of a 140-meter house with gypsum plaster should cost less than PLN 19.5 thousand. zloty .
  • Window sills - including internal PVC window sills and external aluminum window sills, you will pay PLN 5,000. zloty .
  • Ceilings - in total, the cost of suspended ceilings in the example we are discussing will be approximately PLN 11,000. zloty .

To sum up, finishing a turnkey house costs on average another PLN 142,000. zloty.

What is worth investing in when building a house?

Adding up all the expenses described above, we can say that the total cost of building a house with an attic with a total area of 140 m2 should be approximately PLN 350,000. zloty. This is a large amount, and remember that over time it will be added to the costs of equipment and ongoing operation of the building. For this reason, already at the construction stage it is worth considering economical solutions that will allow you to reduce your bills in the future.

These include primarily renewable energy sources, which will make your home an environmentally friendly and economical building. The Onninen wholesaler's assortment includes, among others, efficient heat pumps as well as increasingly popular photovoltaic installations. Check out our assortment and start saving before you even build your house!

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