Account registration

Account for individual clients

Account for business customers

A confirmation link will be sent to the e-mail address provided to activate your account
The password should consist of at least 8 characters, including upper and lower case letters and numbers
The phone number provided may be needed to verify your account
Give your name
Please enter your last name
Informations about company

Identification based on the tax identification VAT number

Padlock - SSL encryptionYour data is secure with SSL encryption

You have problem with registration? Contact the Customer Service Center:

  +48 42 676 88 66

mon. - fri. 8:00 - 16:00

Discounts for registered clients

Instalator hydrauliczny

Plumbing installer

Instalator elektryczny

Electrical installer

Budownictwo i infrastruktura


Sektor handlowy

Commercial sector




Instalations designer

Get lower prices with an individual discount, convenient payment terms and constant care of the merchant.

Convenient Online Ordering Platform

Convenient search engine

Convenient searching

Search products by name, index, brand and category, up to 100 items at a time.
Individual prices

Individual prices

Individual commercial terms, visible after  logging in along with full discount information.
Product information

Product information

Stock levels and delivery dates. Product descriptions, photos, certificates and technical data.
Purchase history

Purchase history

History of your orders and invoices with the possibility to print them. Status of orders currently in progress.
Offers for your customers<

Offers for your customers

Quickly prepare an offer and presentation for your customer, taking into account any margin or discount.
Mobile version

Mobile version

Do your shopping wherever you are, in the office, at the construction site, at the customer's place! All you need is a smartphone with internet.