Safety in electrical installations: Voltage meters

Added: Tuesday, 9/12/2023

Modern functioning without access to electricity is practically impossible. The vast majority of devices need this type of power supply. For this reason, the control and measurement of electrical voltage is no less important. Voltage meters are responsible for this. Let's get to know them better!

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Check out voltage testers at the Onninen wholesaler

What is reference voltage?

Modeco Expert 140 mm voltage tester Let's start with a very important issue, namely, let's find out what reference voltage is. This is necessary to understand the principle of operation of meters. Also referred to as nominal voltage or rated voltage, it means the value of standard electrical voltage, thus indicating the level at which voltage should be supplied to electrical devices in a given installation. As you know, in most homes in Poland and Europe, the reference voltage is 230V with a frequency of 50Hz. However, in other parts of the world its value is different, for example 110V or 120V.

Therefore, for devices to function properly, the voltage must meet their specifications, because if this is not the case, it may damage the equipment. Worse still, there is a risk of danger - fire or electric shock. Therefore, the issue of controlling electrical voltage cannot be underestimated in any way! A voltage meter will help us with this task.

How to check electrical voltage with a tester?

bipolar Sonel P-4 voltage indicator A voltage tester is a basic tool used to check the voltage at a specific point in the electrical installation. It is invaluable for every professional dealing with electrical installations, but it will also be useful not only for professionals, but also for amateurs. Thanks to it, we can quickly find out about the voltage. However, to evaluate it properly, we should know how to use it properly. It is important that the voltage indicator is of high quality, in good condition and has proper safety certificates. Most testers have different voltage ranges.

To measure the voltage, simply insert the tip of the tester into one of the points (it may be a socket, an electric cable, a switch, an installation element, etc.) that you intend to examine. If voltage is present, the meter will respond by beeping or illuminating the LED. If there is no reaction, there may be two reasons - either lack of voltage or device failure. An important note at the end of this paragraph - although the meter allows you to quickly check the voltage, it is not a device that will indicate exactly how much it is. This is a task for more advanced meters.

How to check 3-phase voltage with an electric indicator?

Voltage meters can be used in all installations, but in some installations, especially in industry, there is three-phase voltage, where three-phase voltage meters are needed. It is much more complicated than single-phase voltage. It requires more skill to use, but we will explain it now.

First, let's make sure the meter is configured to measure three-phase voltage. Then let's connect the indicator to the measurement points - to each of the three phases, i.e. L1, L2 and L3. After turning on the indicator, the measurement results will be displayed. They should be for each phase. If the results are similar, we are sure that the voltage is balanced, i.e. everything is in order. Otherwise - if they are different, it may be related to problems in the electrical installation.

Voltage meters at the Onninen wholesaler

Without a doubt, voltage meters are a very helpful tool that provides both convenience and precision when taking measurements. This is crucial during various works - installation, repair and maintenance. It is worth having it at hand when purchasing the appropriate model at the Onninen hydraulic and electrical wholesaler. Discover interesting offers!

  • If you are looking for a universal meter, it is worth considering the Modeco Expert 140 mm voltage tester . Equipped with a diode that indicates the presence of voltage. It allows you to check it in the range of 100-250V.
  • Fluke LVD1 voltage meter with LED flashlight If we want to buy more advanced equipment, let's choose the Sonel P-4 bipolar voltage indicator . It is a durable, reliable and safe device that not only checks voltage but also circuit continuity. It also provides phase sequence testers. Designed for work in difficult conditions - industrial and commercial. It has great parameters, including automatic measurement of alternating and direct voltage up to 1000 V and audible indications when dangerous voltages of 50 VAC and 120 VDC are exceeded.
  • An excellent solution is also to purchase a Fluke LVD1 voltage meter with an LED flashlight . Enables quick recognition of voltage values - red color indicates high voltage above 90 V AC or DC, and green color indicates the presence of lower voltage below 90 V AC or DC. This ensures safety while working. The device is very easy to use, as all you need to do is bring it close to the point (e.g. an electrical socket) that you want to check. The meter will automatically detect its presence.

Check out voltage testers at the Onninen wholesaler