Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 AT - 2 swivels PSR-08AT-010

Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 - PSR-08AT-010
Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 - PSR-08AT-010
Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 - PSR-08AT-010
Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 - PSR-08AT-010

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Brand Famas
Onninen Index:HAP593
Manufacturer's code:PSR-08AT-010
Bulk packaging:1 / 5 pcs
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Extensible gas hose DN 12, L = 100/200 AT - 2 swivels PSR-08AT-010 - description

General product characteristics:

The PSR cables to be stretched are made of a flexible corrugated pipe made of corrosion-resistant steel, covered on the outside with a protective PVC material with welded / soldered ends.
PSR cables are sold in the form of a compressed corrugated tube, which allows the customer to obtain the desired length of the cable by stretching it appropriately. It is possible to increase the length of the cable up to a maximum of twice the initial (compressed) length.

Purpose and scope of application:

PSR cables to be stretched are intended for non-flexible connections (single molding) of permanently installed gas appliances with a gas installation powered by gaseous fuels specified in PN-C-04753: 2002 standards.
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Sales unit dimensions and weight: 1 pcs

length/width/height/weight/volume:0,38 m / 0,055 m / 0,03 m / 0,8 kg / 0,001 m3
Customs code:83071000


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