5V 2.4A 12W USB wall charger + USB typC cable 50184
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Výhody pro firmy5V 2.4A 12W USB wall charger + USB typC cable 50184 - popis
The Qoltec charger is characterized by the best quality and made of high-quality materials. It combines modernity, stylish design and, above all, functionality. It will be perfect at home, in the office and wherever there is access to a power socket. Equipped with advanced technologies (security) overvoltage, overload, short circuit and thermal. The charger has 1 USB port and an additional detachable cable USB/USB type C.
Rozměry a hmotnost na prodejní jednotku: 1 pcs
length/width/height/weight/volume:0,033 m / 0,096 m / 0,165 m / 0,091 kg / 0,001 m3
Customs code:85044030
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