Safe protection of metals against corrosion: technical Vaseline

Added: Tuesday, 11/14/2023

Vaseline is obtained from petroleum. It is an odorless substance with a characteristic, greasy, viscous consistency and yellowish color. Its composition is dominated by mineral oils and waxes. The unique properties of Vaseline were discovered by workers on drilling rigs who used a waste petroleum product to protect minor cuts. Vaseline has been used in industry for years - not only in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, but also in technical industries. There are various types of Vaseline available on the market, intended for various applications. The most popular are cosmetic Vaseline and technical Vaseline. Onninen experts looked at the latter and created a practical guide. We invite you to read!

Otwarta mała puszka z wazeliną techniczną

Check out technical Vaseline at the Onninen wholesaler

What is technical Vaseline?

In addition to the well-known cosmetic Vaseline, which is a popular ingredient of cosmetics and pharmaceutical preparations, there is also technical Vaseline, which is significantly different. What are the characteristics of technical Vaseline? This is the rawest (unpurified) variety of Vaseline with a specific brown color and gelatinous consistency. Does not conduct electricity. Technical Vaseline is produced on the basis of paraffin hydrocarbons in the process of petroleum refining.

In what types of work is technical Vaseline useful?

Technical Vaseline is mainly used by professionals, such as workshops and production plants. It is also commonly used at home. It is comprehensive support for many works. A small package of technical Vaseline is a must-have in the garage of an amateur DIY enthusiast or in the glove compartment of a car enthusiast. Vaseline has great lubricating properties, so it plays the role of a technical lubricant. It also has a protective function. The Vaseline layer effectively protects metal elements of machines, tools and devices against corrosion and drying out. It can also be used to protect plastic surfaces against the negative effects of weather conditions.

It is worth knowing that there are different types of technical Vaseline. Individual types are characterized by different acidity and degree of melting, and these parameters affect the intended use of the product. When it comes to acidity, Vaseline with a high acid content is often a low-quality but cheap product. To protect electrical contacts, it is best to use acid-free technical Vaseline from a proven manufacturer.

Technical Vaseline - application

We have already mentioned what technical Vaseline is used for in the previous paragraph. We indicate most of the uses below.

  • Technical Vaseline primarily serves a protective function, protecting metal elements of devices, tools, construction machines, etc. against corrosion.
  • Technical Vaseline can also be used to protect contacts in electronic, electrical and technical systems, extending the life of devices and machines. This substance is used, among others, by: electric car manufacturers and service providers.
  • Technical Vaseline acts as a lubricant, preventing abrasion of moving parts of machines and devices and eliminating squeaks. It is effective at low loads.
  • Provides basic protection - in many cases it cannot replace professional lubricant.
  • Elko-Bis technical vaseline - 0.5 kg Using technical Vaseline, you can preserve the elasticity of leather products, which allows them to be used for a very long time. Hence the common use of the substance in leather and shoemaking workshops.
  • Technical Vaseline available in stores is often purchased by individual customers for home use. Technical Vaseline can be applied to hinges, padlocks, sports equipment, gardening machines or grills to protect against rust, as well as to natural leather products. It is perfect for the care and impregnation of e.g. leather shoes and handbags.
  • Technical Vaseline increases the effectiveness of blades, e.g. in axes or scythes.
    A rather unusual use of technical Vaseline is its use as a stain remover. This substance often allows you to quickly remove stubborn pen stains and many other dirt.
  • Thanks to its lubricating properties, technical Vaseline is used to protect various artificial rubber elements. Applying the substance to rubber seals in car doors provides protection against freezing in the winter season and against cracking and crumbling on hot, dry days. The disadvantage of such protection is the high risk of dirtying clothes and upholstery when getting in and out of the vehicle.
  • Technical Vaseline plays an important role in securing lightning protection installations. You can read more about this application later in the article.

Check out technical Vaseline at the Onninen wholesaler

Types of technical Vaseline

There are 4 main types of technical Vaseline:

  • high-melting petroleum jelly – used to protect metal elements (e.g. tools and screw connections) in difficult working environments with temperatures not exceeding 55°C;
  • low-melting petroleum jelly – with very good lubricating properties, used to lubricate low-load elements (e.g. bearings), but only provided that the temperature does not exceed 30°C;
  • acidic vaseline - cheap, but usually of low quality, with high acid content, has a destructive effect when used on rubber and metal elements, is not suitable for securing electronic connections;
  • acid-free Vaseline – a versatile product, suitable for lubricating rubber, leather and plastic elements and for protecting contacts in electronic systems.

How to use technical Vaseline properly?

Technical Vaseline available on the market differs in the type of packaging and, consequently, in the method of application. The same technical Vaseline can be applied in various ways. Most often, technical Vaseline is sold in a screw-top jar or a plastic container with a lid. You apply such a product manually using a spatula or your hands, of course protected with protective gloves. In turn, when you buy technical Vaseline in a tube, you apply it conveniently and hygienically by squeezing the substance onto a surface or tool, just like you squeeze toothpaste onto a toothbrush. If you want to ensure minimal risk of substance contact with the skin for yourself or your employees, choose technical Vaseline spray. Do you need to protect very small items? Look for a product with a precise dispenser (syringe) included.

Technical Vaseline KM Grom 0.5 kg Remember that technical Vaseline is irritating to the respiratory tract and skin. Be especially careful when using the product, use personal protective equipment to avoid skin damage and strictly follow the instructions of the manufacturer of the purchased product. Technical Vaseline is a flammable substance! It must not be used near fire. The combustion of technical Vaseline produces poisonous carbon monoxide. Uncontrolled leakage of substances has a harmful impact on the natural environment, so when such a situation occurs, it is necessary to report this fact to the appropriate services.
If you use high-quality technical Vaseline and in a safe manner, in accordance with applicable standards and the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations, you have nothing to worry about.

The importance of technical Vaseline in lightning protection installations

In lightning protection installations, technical Vaseline helps protect screw joints against the destructive influence of external factors: moisture, water or frost. Lightning masts are located on the roofs of buildings, so rain or snow constantly falls on them. Technical Vaseline is standardly used for anti-corrosion protection of connections on vertical earthing lines. Applied to metal elements, it has a positive effect not only on the service life, but also on the effectiveness of the lightning protection system. It is worth bearing in mind that technical Vaseline is one of the cheapest anti-corrosion protection methods available on the market. You will pay approximately PLN 40-50 for a half-kilogram package.

What cannot be lubricated with technical Vaseline?

It is obvious that technical Vaseline cannot be used on human skin. For care and therapeutic purposes, various types of cosmetic Vaseline are used, i.e. white, properly cleaned and enriched with the necessary dyes and fragrances.

It is also forbidden to apply technical Vaseline to dogs' paws! To protect your dog's pads in the winter season, double-purified white or yellow Vaseline, without fragrances and dyes that could sensitize your pet, is used. Technical Vaseline has a destructive effect on natural rubber. Like other petroleum substances and mineral oils, it leads to the decomposition of rubber. We know what you're thinking - we wrote earlier that you can use technical Vaseline to protect rubber seals in your car. This is absolutely allowed and even recommended by specialists, because seals in modern vehicles are made of synthetic rubber, not natural. Finding a replacement for technical Vaseline is necessary for elements and mechanisms that are:

  • sensitive to oils and petroleum products,
  • exposed to abrasion due to working under significant load.

Fortunately, the market offers quite a lot of alternatives to technical Vaseline - with protective properties and reducing friction force. These include: silicone grease, dry aerosol grease, dielectric grease (high melting point insulator) and dedicated preparations for the maintenance of seals and electrical contacts.

Technical Vaseline in the Onninen wholesaler

In the Onninen installation wholesaler you will find technical Vaseline in various packaging, coming only from proven and trusted suppliers. In our warehouse we have products dedicated to lightning protection installations, available immediately.

You don't know which technical Vaseline to choose or how to use it on a given surface? Contact us. We will be happy to advise you.

Check out technical Vaseline at the Onninen wholesaler