Financing for heat pumps in 2022

Added: Monday, 5/30/2022

Heat pumps are an interesting alternative to other heating sources, including those considered clean. Their popularity is growing because, although they are not cheap, they are very effective devices. Their advantage is low operating costs - although they require power, they consume much less electricity than systems using electricity or natural gas. And the more electricity and gas become more expensive, the greater the benefits.

Financing for heat pumps in 2022

How do heat pumps work?

How it's working? Generally speaking, it transfers heat from an area of lower temperature (lower source) to an area of higher temperature (upper source). Heat from the air, ground or water is transferred to the medium whose pressure and therefore temperature (up to 90 degrees C) increase as a result of compression. The heat is then transferred to the upper source (radiators, utility water or underfloor heating), and the medium itself is quickly expanded, becomes cold and ready to receive heat again. The compressor is the element that requires power.

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Depending on the ground source, there are three types of pumps - air, water and ground. Each of them can receive funding after meeting certain conditions.

How does the Clean Air program work?

A popular support program is the Clean Air program. It is addressed to natural persons and entrepreneurs. They can replace an inefficient boiler or other solid fuel heating device with a heat pump . The level of funding varies, including: depending on the type of heat pump selected and eligible costs. The program provides for a subsidy for the project and another subsidy for repayment of part of the loan installments financing the project. This applies to selected banks (Clean Air Loan). The rule is to subsidize the installation that has already been completed.

The program includes three levels of funding. The first one is open to owners of single-family houses or residential premises located in such buildings (with a separate land and mortgage register) and with an annual income not higher than PLN 100,000. zloty.

The second level is subsidies for those whose monthly income per family member does not exceed PLN 1,564 or PLN 2,189 for single people. In the case of a business activity, the income cannot be higher than 30 minimum wages. The highest level of support applies to poor people (up to PLN 900 per month if you live with someone, and PLN 1,260 if you live alone).

How much, for what and how to arrange it

The amount of support is a specific percentage of the investment costs. If an additional photovoltaic micro-installation is installed, PLN 5,000 should be added to the given amount. PLN (up to 50%)

Maximum basic grants:

  • air or water heat pump – PLN 9,000 PLN (30%)
  • heat pump as above with increased energy efficiency – PLN 13.5 thousand PLN (45%)
  • air pump – 3 thousand PLN (30%)
  • ground heat pump with increased energy efficiency – PLN 20.25 thousand PLN (45%)

Financing for heat pumps in 2022 Increased subsidies for pumps will cover up to 60% of the costs in each case and will range from PLN 6,000. PLN up to 27 thousand zloty. In the case of the highest, it is 90%, and the amounts range from PLN 9,000. PLN up to PLN 40.5 thousand zloty. You can get PLN 9,000 for an additional photovoltaic installation. zloty.

The easiest way to apply for a subsidy is online, but you need to have a trusted profile (ePUAP). You can complete the printed version, but it must be downloaded on the Beneficiary Portal on the website of the relevant Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. However, if we want to use the Clean Air Loan, we go to the branch of the partner bank, submit a loan application, and the bank will complete the funding application.

My Warmth for new homes

Financing for heat pumps in 2022 Recruitment for another government program called Moje Ciepło, run, like Clean Air, by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, should begin soon. The planned subsidies are expected to range from PLN 7,000 to PLN 21,000. PLN, up to 30% of eligible costs (for Large Family Card holders - up to 45%). It will only be used by owners of new residential buildings with a higher energy standard. The rule also applies here - investment first, withdrawal later.

In the case of co-financing the installation of a heat pump a "new building" is considered to be one for which a notice of completion of construction or an application for an occupancy permit was submitted no earlier than January 1, 2021. However, it is still necessary to obtain an increased home energy standard: the EP coefficient for applications submitted in 2022 must be a maximum of 63 kWh/m2 per year, and thereafter 55 kWh. What is EP? This is an indicator determining the consumption of non-renewable primary energy needed for heating, cooling, lighting, ventilation and the production of domestic hot water. That is, everything that is powered by electricity from the grid (unless you have a contract for the supply of green electricity) and natural gas or solid fuels. New houses should have an energy certificate containing this information. Grants will certainly be available for water and air pumps.

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Tough conditions

The requirements are similar to the so-called Technical Conditions 2022 for buildings and parameters are similar to those of passive houses. Moreover, after the subsidy is paid, the heat pump must be used for at least five years and manufactured no earlier than 24 months before installation. If a single-family house has co-owners, all of them must consent, and a declaration of no double financing is also required. We will also not receive support if the building has a solid fuel heat source. This will also be the case with a fireplace used for heating, e.g. with a water jacket. Only a fireplace for recreational purposes is permitted.

The program budget is PLN 600 million and is scheduled to end in 2026. The goal is to install pumps in 57,000 houses. The funds come from the Modernization Fund, a new European Union instrument for 10 countries struggling with the greatest challenges on the way to achieving greenhouse gas emission reduction goals.

Unquestionable benefits

Heat pumps are considered the future of building heating. They are part of the Green Deal strategy, according to which the share of renewable energy in buildings should reach a minimum of 49% by 2030. Meanwhile, in Poland, approximately 70% of homes still have a heating device powered by coal or wood, and approximately 3 million such installations do not meet any standards. The popularization of heat pumps can significantly contribute to reducing smog that is harmful to health, i.e. suspended dust PM2.5, PM10 and carcinogenic benzo(a)pyrene. Their level during heating seasons breaks world records.

Taking into account the rapid increase in the prices of natural gas, electricity and coal, as well as the anti-smog resolutions of cities and local governments introducing bans on the burning of solid fuels, replacing heating boilers is becoming essential. Especially since there are no longer subsidies for purchasing a new coal boiler. And the benefits? A well-heated house for little money, clean air without emissions of suspended dust or greenhouse gases, and no more worries about increasingly higher bills for traditional heating using electricity, natural gas or coal.

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