Effective measurement of active power: wattmeter

Added: Thursday, 11/16/2023

A wattmeter, also known as a current consumption meter or electricity consumption meter, is a useful tool in every home and business. The device, which costs only a few dozen zlotys, allows you to monitor the electricity consumption of devices connected to electrical sockets. By knowing which devices consume the most kWh and therefore generate the highest costs, you can plan appropriate optimization steps. Wondering how a wattmeter works? You don't know which electricity consumption meter to choose for your apartment or office? Learn about the mechanisms of operation, main types and most important functions of wattmeters.

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Check out wattmeters at the Onninen wholesaler

How does a wattmeter work?

Energy meters provide measurement of active power. A standard analog electrodynamic wattmeter measures power in DC and AC circuits. Its structure consists of two coils:

  • a stationary current coil with low resistance, which is connected to the circuit in series with the load using current terminals;
  • a high-resistance voltage moving coil that is connected to the system in parallel with the load through voltage terminals.

In turn, modern digital wattmeters work differently than analog wattmeters. The microprocessor working in the digital meter processes the measured current and voltage parameters. Based on the acquired data, it performs calculations and displays the result on the LCD display.

What does the use of a digital wattmeter look like in practice? You simply plug the meter into your chosen electrical outlet. Then you connect the equipment you want to test to the meter's socket. After connecting, you press the appropriate button and the wattmeter starts measuring. After a while, you get the result - you see how much electricity the equipment consumes and how much its operation costs you. In this way, you can independently, quickly and easily measure a TV, computer, refrigerator, oven, air conditioner or any other device powered by electricity. You do not need special qualifications or experience in electrical installation works. Just remember to always follow the user manual that the manufacturer attached to your wattmeter.

What can you read on a wattmeter?

A wattmeter measures power in an AC circuit and in a DC circuit. The obtained value is expressed in kWh. The wattmeter shows the total energy consumption of a given device. In simpler types of wattmeters, a pointer or a white plate is used to read the current consumption. A more convenient and modern solution is a digital wattmeter with an LCD screen on which various parameters are displayed.

Depending on the meter model you have, you can read from the display, among others: current consumption, network voltage, current intensity, frequency, cost of energy used and power factor. The rules for reading the results correctly can be found in the product's user manual. Based on the information obtained, you will check how individual electronics and household appliances affect your electricity bills. Of course, to accurately calculate the costs of operating the devices, you will need to know the current rates of your electricity supplier.

What measurement functions should a good wattmeter have?

The basic functions of every wattmeter include measuring active power. The higher the range, the greater the possibilities of using a given meter. For home use, a model with an active power measurement range of approximately 3000-4000 W will be suitable. It is worth choosing a wattmeter that offers additional functions (needed for your applications), such as:

  • measuring the power of devices in standby mode (StandBy mode) - the wattmeter will tell you which devices are better to disconnect from the power supply when not in use;
  • saving measurements, e.g. transferring data to a memory card;
  • immediate calculation of the costs of energy consumed;
  • tariff selection;
  • LED backlight;
  • maintaining device settings in the event of a power outage - this functionality is provided by an internal battery.

Check out wattmeters at the Onninen wholesaler

Types of wattmeters

We already mentioned the types of wattmeters at the beginning of the article when explaining the principles of operation. Current consumption meters available on the market are divided into two main types:

  • analog wattmeters (table) - the measurement result is displayed on a white board,
  • digital wattmeters – they are more modern and more accurate, equipped with LCD screens.

Black Orno Wattmeter energy calculator with LCD display It is worth knowing that in both categories of wattmeters you can find models that differ in parameters, functions and structural solidity. When choosing a wattmeter, you should consider not only its type, but also the power measurement range, supported measurement bands, tolerance parameter, quality of workmanship and optional functions.

A popular type of digital energy meter is the home wattmeter. It comes in the form of a network adapter. Placed in a socket, it is used to continuously monitor the electricity consumption of a given electrical device and ensures instant calculation of generated costs. Therefore, the electrical equipment is not connected directly to the wall or strip socket, but to the wattmeter socket.

In addition, there are professional wattmeters, including: power meters with a higher accuracy class, intended for testing simpler devices, and panel meters, which are mounted in switchgear housings.

Modern wattmeter solutions for the Wi-Fi Smart socket

The last decade has seen the dynamic development of "smart" solutions supporting the implementation of intelligent buildings: homes and companies. The concept of an intelligent building refers to a technologically advanced facility equipped with various types of sensors and detectors as well as a central management system for all installations. The goal is to maximize functionality, comfort and safety, as well as minimize operating costs and emissions of substances harmful to the environment and people. Innovative measuring equipment fits perfectly into the idea of a smart home, including innovative, intelligent wattmeters, which are equipped with various, extremely useful functions. A smart wattmeter for a socket with a Wi-Fi module can provide, among others:

  • constant monitoring of power consumption - unlike classic wattmeters, which provide data only at the moment of measurement;
  • wireless data transfer - you control the energy consumption of individual devices and read other parameters at any place and time;
    intuitive, remote operation - via a dedicated application on your smartphone, you can easily manage your devices, e.g. cut off the power to a device you forgot to turn off;
  • comprehensive analysis of information - data can be saved on an SD memory card, so you have constant access to current and historical results, as well as various types of calculations that help you make good decisions, e.g. replacing equipment with new, more energy-efficient ones;
  • automatic detection of irregularities - if the permitted values are exceeded in the electrical network or a fault is detected in equipment connected to the electricity, you will immediately receive a notification and will be able to take appropriate actions;
    creating schedules – you can conveniently set your preferred working hours for individual equipment.

Smart sockets and wattmeters are more expensive than standard products, but their purchase is worth treating as an investment that pays off very quickly. In many models, you can enter individual electricity rates, which gives you constant insight into your energy consumption costs. Thanks to smart wattmeters, you gain full control not only over the devices connected to the sockets, but also over your electricity costs - in your home, apartment, office or industrial facility.

Wattmeters at the Onninen wholesaler

At the Onninen electrical wholesaler , you will find a wide range of reliable and intuitive digital wattmeters with clear LCD displays. They enable quick and accurate checking of electricity consumption. Additionally, they allow you to estimate the costs of energy consumed by connected devices. The offered products meet the highest quality standards and are available at competitive prices. They are characterized by compact dimensions, lightness and accuracy, guaranteeing highly precise measurements. There are modern models to choose from with a variety of basic and non-standard functions, dedicated to home users and professionals. We cooperate with renowned manufacturers and suppliers of electrical installation equipment, including: with the Polish company ORNO . When ordering a wattmeter at Onninen.pl, you can be sure that you are buying a certified product from a proven source.

Do you want to measure electricity consumption in home or business devices? You don't know which wattmeter to choose? Contact us! You can write or call us. At Onninen, we support customers in effective electricity management by providing reliable, remote advice when choosing residential, office and electronics equipment. During the conversation, we will ask you about the types of equipment you intend to control and the functions you care about. After analyzing your needs, we will propose the best meters for specific applications. Are you an installer or installation designer or run an electrical store? Check the offer for professionals.

Check out wattmeters at the Onninen wholesaler