Electric boiler in cooperation with photovoltaics as the heating of the future

Added: Wednesday, 12/1/2021

Electric heating coupled with photovoltaics is currently one of the most ecological, cost-effective and future-proof solutions. We invite you to read our article in which we write about heating buildings with modern electric boilers compatible with photovoltaic installations.

Electric boiler in cooperation with photovoltaics as the heating of the future

From the article you will learn:

  • what are the advantages of using an electric boiler,
  • how the weather controller works,
  • how much does a modern electric boiler with a PV installation cost,
  • what are the characteristics of EKCO.MN3 and M3 boilers. Kospel brand .

What are the advantages of using an electric boiler?

Electric boilers compatible with photovoltaic installations are increasingly popular and eagerly used solutions. No wonder, because with good quality building insulation and a relatively strong photovoltaic installation , modern electric boilers are able to guarantee high heating efficiency with low electricity consumption . Moreover, by cooperation of boilers with a PV installation of appropriate power, the costs of heating the house become marginal, because a significant part of the energy consumed by the heating installation is provided by photovoltaic cells.

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It is also worth paying attention to the fact that using a boiler to heat a building will ensure comfortable and maintenance-free heating without harmful low emissions .

Moreover, appropriate configuration of electric boilers with a photovoltaic installation makes the system supplying heat to the house almost completely maintenance-free. It is also worth noting that almost every modern electric boiler can be equipped with a weather controller , thanks to which this solution significantly automates the operation of the boiler. Thanks to the use of modern technology implemented in the device controllers, it is also possible to control the boiler via the Internet .

To sum up, a modern electric boiler for heating a house, which is coupled with a PV installation and equipped with a modern weather controller, is able to ensure not only the possibility of significantly minimizing the costs of heat heating the house, but also allows for comfortable and intuitive operation, and therefore also ensure high thermal comfort.

Kospel electric boilers

How does a weather controller work?

Weather controllers provide the ability to automatically adjust the operating parameters of an electric boiler to changes in external temperature. Thanks to the weather controller, the electric boiler precisely adjusts the temperature of the heating water supplied to the installation to the current needs. The priority is to maintain the set temperature in the house without unnecessary overheating of the central heating system.

The weather controller allows you to regulate the temperature in the house in accordance with the program set by the user.

When detecting cooling outside, the weather controller will most often increase the temperature inside the installation to ensure thermal comfort for users.

However, for the weather controller to fulfill its function, it is necessary to use an external temperature sensor. The temperature in individual rooms can be further reduced by appropriately setting the thermostatic heads on the radiators.

How much does a modern electric boiler with a PV installation cost?

Kospel electric boiler

An electric boiler coupled with a photovoltaic installation is quite a large investment. Its cost is determined primarily by the price of the photovoltaic installation; the price of the boiler is relatively low. However, the initial high investment cost will be offset by lower heating costs within a few years.

A new electric boiler that we intend to use to heat the house should be selected primarily based on the assessment of the building's insulation, its surface area and energy demand.

Let's consider the selection of a heating boiler for a thermally modernized building with an area of 120 m2 and an energy demand for heating and ventilation of approximately 70 kWh/m2/year. Let's assume that this building has an electrical demand for domestic purposes of approximately 3,000 kWh/year, and that the household members use 70 m3 of hot water per year, and a photovoltaic installation with a capacity of 10 kWp is connected to it. With an energy cost of PLN 0.62/kWh (G11 tariff), a new EKD.M3 boiler with a capacity of 12 kW is recommended.

It is also worth paying attention to numerous subsidies for the thermal modernization of the building and for the purchase and installation of photovoltaic installations (e.g. the "My Electricity" or "Clean Air" program), which will maximize the profitability of the investment.

Check out the Kospel brand offer at the Onninen wholesaler

What are the characteristics of the EKCO.MN3/M3 boiler?

What are the characteristics of the EKCO.MN3/M3 boiler?

EKCO.MN3 boilers and Kospel M3 boilers are modern heating devices equipped with weather control, a built-in circulation pump and an optional module for controlling the boiler operation via the Internet .

The boilers come in power variants from 4 to 24 kW and can be powered by single-phase or three-phase power. The devices cooperate with the central heating installation and the hot water exchanger. Additionally, in the EKCO.MN3 boiler, the manufacturer has implemented a diaphragm expansion vessel with a capacity of 5 liters along with the necessary safety fittings.

Advanced models of heating boilers (e.g. EKCO.LN3, EKCO.MN3 or EKD.M3) included in the Kospel brand offer enable smooth temperature regulation in accordance with the set weekly and daily programs. A properly thought-out and constructed boiler room allows for efficient heat accumulation during cheap energy tariffs. This is possible thanks to the cooperation of the boiler with the central heating buffer using appropriate additional modules.

Additional modules include: C.MI internet module , which allows you to remotely select the heating temperature and set the boiler operating parameters using a smartphone, PC or laptop.

By equipping the building with such a modern boiler with a weather-compensated controller and connecting it to a properly selected photovoltaic installation, it is possible to significantly reduce the costs of home heating. At the same time, the device can be controlled automatically, ensuring thermal comfort and ease of use for users regardless of the season, temperature and weather conditions.

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