Purmo Vido S2 fan coil – thermal comfort all year round

Added: Friday, 8/19/2022

Man is a warm-blooded creature. We don't like it when we are too cold in winter or too hot in summer. The modern Vido S2 fan coil unit from Purmo comes to the rescue, ensuring optimal temperature in rooms, regardless of the season.

Purmo fan coil unit

Purmo Vido S2 fan coil unit – air conditioner and heater in one

Information about upcoming waves of frost or heat is often received with some dissatisfaction. For many of us, sudden cooling or extreme warming means poorer well-being and general weakness. However, unless we change the weather, we can ensure the appropriate microclimate in the office or home . Optimum temperature at any time of the year will be guaranteed by the Purmo Vido S2 fan coil, which is ideal both as an efficient source of heat on frosty days and coolness during hot weather. One device, two applications!

Check out Purmo Vido fan coil units at the Onninen wholesaler

Fan coil and heat pump – a harmonious duo

Wall-mounted VIDO S2 fan coil unit by Purmo Vido S2 works perfectly with, among others: with a heat pump , and in the case of the cooling function - with a reverse cycle heat pump. This translates into energy savings and makes this solution environmentally friendly. It allows for various installation options (including ceiling, wall and wall mounting), which in turn gives great freedom in interior design. The Vido S2 fan coil unit can be successfully used in various rooms (except for those with increased humidity), in residential and commercial buildings and public facilities . The short heating time means that the device works perfectly even in rooms that are used rarely or irregularly, such as guest rooms. The added value is high acoustic comfort, because the Purmo product operates virtually silently.

Purmo VIDO S2 - fan coil unit mounted in the wall Purmo Vido S2 – efficient operation, simple operation

Additional advantages of Vido S2 include an eye-pleasing design, thanks to which the device fits well with any interior design, and the ability to easily manage the operation of the fan coil. The built-in controller, included in the standard version of Vido S2, is used to operate one device, while the remote controller allows you to manage up to 30 fan coil units , making it ideal for e.g. hotels or conference centers.

Check out Purmo Vido fan coil units at the Onninen wholesaler