Filtered water straight from the tap thanks to Grohe Blue Home - cleanliness and convenience at your fingertips!

Added: Monday, 6/19/2023

Nowadays, we pay more and more attention to a healthy lifestyle and caring for the natural environment. Water is an integral part of our everyday functioning, so it is worth considering how we can improve its quality and at the same time increase our comfort. The solution offered by the Grohe brand is the Grohe Blue Home system, which provides access to filtered, delicious water straight from the tap. Let's find out what benefits you can reap from this innovative solution.

faucet in the kitchen with plants

Check out the Grohe Blue Home system at the Onninen wholesaler

Grohe Blue Home – how does it work?

The Grohe Blue Home system is based on advanced technology that gives us easy access to filtered water straight from the tap. The main component of this system is an innovative filtration unit that effectively removes all impurities and unpleasant odors and tastes from water. Water flows through several stages of filtration, including mechanical filtration, carbon filtration and mineralization.

Mechanical filter

The first stage is a mechanical filter that stops larger particles such as sand, rust or other small impurities. The water then passes through a carbon filter that eliminates chlorine, pesticides, heavy metals and other chemicals that may negatively affect its quality and taste. This process significantly improves the purity of the water and gives it a pleasant, natural taste.

Water mineralization

The next stage is water mineralization, in which appropriate minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, are added to enrich it with beneficial nutrients. Thanks to this, you will receive not only clean but also healthy water, which has a beneficial effect on your health and well-being.

Water filtration

CO2 cylinder starter kit, 4x425 g. Grohe Blue The entire filtration process takes place in a special filtration unit, which is easy to install and operate. The Grohe Blue Home system also offers an additional water cooling function, allowing us to enjoy a refreshing drink at any time. All this is available directly from our tap, providing incredible convenience and time saving. What's more, the Grohe Blue Home system also offers the opportunity to enjoy sparkling water straight from the tap. This function is a real convenience for all carbonated water lovers. Thanks to a special carbonizer, tap water can be gently saturated with carbon dioxide, providing fresh, carbonated water at any time. This is a great way to provide a refreshing drink without having to reach for bottled soda. Grohe Blue Home gives us full control over the type of water we want to drink, providing us with convenience and the ability to adjust our taste preferences. This additional function enriches the experience of using the Grohe Blue Home system even further, giving us the opportunity to choose between filtered water and carbonated water, depending on individual preferences.

Four main benefits of using the Grohe Blue Home set

Exceptional cleanliness

    • The Grohe Blue Home system provides Blue Pure Minta filter faucet water of perfect purity that passes through effective filters, removing contaminants such as chloride, heavy metals, pesticides and unpleasant odors. Thanks to this, you can be sure that you are drinking water without harmful substances, which is important for your health and well-being.

Save time and space

    • Thanks to Grohe Blue Home, you no longer have to buy bottled water or store it in the refrigerator. Filtered water is available directly from the tap, which saves us time and space. You no longer have to worry about having enough water bottles because you can enjoy fresh and healthy water whenever you need it.

Benefit for the environment

    • By choosing Grohe Blue Home, we also care about the natural environment. Bottled water generates huge amounts of plastic waste, which is harmful to our planet. By using filtered water straight from the tap, you reduce the production of plastic bottles and contribute to reducing waste. This is a small but important step towards a more sustainable and ecological lifestyle.

Economical solution

    • Although investing in the Grohe Blue Home system may seem expensive at first, it brings many financial benefits in the long run. Buying additional packs of water also costs more in the long run than a one-time installation cost. Moreover, the filter in the Grohe Blue Home system has a long life and requires relatively little financial outlays for its replacement. This is a solution that saves both money and the environment.

What is included in the Grohe Blue Home set?

The Grohe Blue Home set consists of several main elements that together create a complete system providing filtered water straight from the tap:

Filter unit

1. It is the main part of the system that Grohe Blue Home starter set with C-shaped spout, kitchen faucet with water filter is responsible for the water filtration process. It contains mechanical, carbon and possibly mineralizing filters that effectively remove contaminants and improve water quality. The filtration unit is usually mounted under the sink or near the faucet.

Grohe Blue faucet

2. The special Grohe Blue faucet is a key element of the set. It is equipped with three pipes: one for cold water, the second for filtered water from the Grohe Blue Home system and the third for sparkling water, if this option is available. This faucet allows you to choose the type of water you want and provides easy access to filtered water straight from the tap.

CO2 cylinder

3. In the case of the water carbonation option, the Grohe Blue Home set includes a CO2 cylinder that supplies the carbon dioxide needed to saturate the water with gases. The CO2 cylinder is usually placed in a special compartment under the sink and can be easily replaced when it runs out.

Replaceable filters

Set with a mini activated carbon filter, capacity 1500 l, Grohe Blue 4. The Grohe Blue Home system requires regular filter replacement to maintain the effectiveness of the filtration process. The kit usually includes starter filters that last for a certain period of time. Then, depending on the intensity of use and water quality, the filters should be replaced regularly.

Grohe Blue Home faucets, in addition to their functionality, are also available in a variety of styles, colors and shapes to suit different tastes and interior design. All these various aesthetic options allow you to adapt the Grohe Blue Home faucet to your preferences and interior style. Whether you prefer modern, minimalist solutions or more classic and elegant designs, Grohe Blue Home offers a wide selection to suit a variety of tastes.

Check out the Grohe Blue Home system at the Onninen wholesaler