Heat pump instead of central heating boiler How to prepare for such an exchange?

Added: Friday, 5/28/2021

Anti-smog resolutions are coming into force in subsequent voivodeships in Poland. In many places, these regulations go into effect this year. They introduce the obligation to replace old boilers and a partial or total ban on burning coal and wood. The preferred heating systems include gas installations and renewable energy sources. If you are planning to replace your central heating boiler with a heat pump, be sure to read our guide!

From the article you will learn:

  • why a heat pump is a good choice,
  • what difficulties may be encountered during the exchange and how to solve them,
  • which heat pumps are worth considering.

What is the advantage of a heat pump over a boiler?

A heat pump is one of the modern solutions used to heat buildings. The device takes unlimited natural energy from the air or ground and turns it into heat. Interestingly, it can also be used to cool rooms in the summer, and at the same time supplies the facility with hot water

Heat pumps are therefore an excellent alternative to harmful coal furnaces. They do not generate waste, are virtually maintenance-free and operate very quietly. They allow you to save a lot on heating and do not have a negative impact on the natural environment.

What challenges may you face when replacing your boiler with a heat pump?

Installing a heat pump is much easier in newly constructed buildings than in existing heating systems. The biggest challenge is replacing the boiler in facilities where central heating dates back to the times of the Polish People's Republic.

One of the basic problems that may be encountered when installing a heat pump in an old installation is a conflict with a high-temperature system . The device should operate in a much cooler environment than a traditional solid fuel boiler. Another challenge is the poor insulation of buildings from several decades ago. Their heat demand is much higher than in the case of modern, energy-efficient construction. A pump operating in such conditions would have to achieve very high power, which would be completely pointless.

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How to deal with problems when installing a heat pump?

To enjoy the advantages of heat pumps in old buildings, it is not necessary to carry out a general renovation and replace the entire installation. In order to determine the actions necessary to replace the heat source, the annual energy demand of the facility should be precisely determined. It will probably be necessary to thermally insulate the facility , i.e. install tight windows and doors and insulate the house. In this way, the building can be adapted to the capacity of a pump with a power of 8 - 10 kWh.

An air-to-water heat pump will be a universal solution that meets the requirements of old buildings. The ground model would require problematic drilling, and the air-only variant would require the installation of an additional module for domestic hot water.

Adapting heat pumps to high-temperature installations can be facilitated by integrated electric heaters . However, their operation involves the use of more energy, which means an increase in electricity bills. Therefore, heat pumps with the highest possible tolerance to high temperatures are most often installed in old systems.

What to do in the case of a gas boiler?

A gas boiler is not a highly harmful source of heat, so anti-smog laws do not prohibit its use. However, compared to a heat pump, its operation seems less profitable and less ecological. Replacing such a furnace can therefore bring tangible benefits. However, before making it, you should find out how long it will take for such an investment to pay off. Gas boilers are definitely cheaper than well-selected air heat pumps.

If the building's energy demand turns out to be very high and the power of the heat pump is insufficient to cover it, you can always choose a hybrid solution . The pump then works with a gas furnace, making its operation cheaper. However, it is worth remembering that in the event of low temperatures in winter, the boiler will start - the pump's capabilities are therefore significantly reduced.

How to prepare for changing your furnace to a heat pump?

After making the necessary calculations, determining the building's heat demand and verifying the profitability of the investment, you can proceed to preparing the boiler room for the installation of the pump . The work should include the following steps:

  • Removal of the old furnace.
  • Elimination of the outlet of the expansion tank (it can be replaced with an expansion vessel).
  • Removing the valve protecting the boiler return temperature.
  • Elimination of installation elements remaining from the boiler.

After completing all the above steps, the heat pump can be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Importantly, unlike a traditional heat source, it does not require access to a chimney , so you can install it in any room.

Heat pumps overview

To guarantee sufficient power of the heat pump, first of all, it must be provided with appropriate operating conditions. The choice of device will also be important. You should choose a high-efficiency model, adapted to the needs of a given building. Below we present 3 products from our wholesale assortment that will be perfect for every single-family home.

Check out the heat pumps in the wholesale offer!

Immergas air heat pump

This is an example of a single-phase heating device with a built-in enameled hot water tank. The tank is equipped with an additional coil that allows the pump to operate with an additional heating source - for example a photovoltaic installation. Thanks to this, preparing domestic hot water consumes even less electricity. Another important element of the device is the built-in electric heater, which supports its operation in the event of low temperatures.

Galmet air heat pump

This is a compact air-water device, perfect for dehumidifying damp rooms and cooling them in the summer. It has a 200-liter hot water tank that will easily provide water for even a 5-person family. A very practical function of the pump is the touch controller, which allows, among others, to select the ECO, Party or Antifreeze program. It also allows you to set the domestic hot water heating time and control the pump of an additional heating device.

Atlantic air heat pump

This heat source is equipped with a hot water tank with an impressive capacity of 190 liters. It is characterized by a very high efficiency factor, advanced control system, integrated heater system and automatic antibacterial protection function.

Take care of economical heating with the Onninen wholesaler!

Thanks to the above tips, you will easily prepare to work on the heating installation in the building. Efficient heat pumps can be found in our wholesaler's assortment.