Heat pump, or how to heat economically and ecologically?

Added: Tuesday, 11/23/2021

Kaisai heat pump

Heat pumps are a comfortable and cheap way to heat new and modernized buildings. These devices are ecological, which is why their popularity among investors and installers is constantly growing. The use of heat pumps is associated with numerous benefits, and their manufacturers provide the market with more and more interesting facilities to meet the needs of even the most demanding users. One of the leading brands in this industry is Kaisai. Get to know its Arctic series heat pumps!

From this article you will learn:

  • how heat pumps work,
  • what are the advantages of heat pumps,
  • what makes Arctic heat pumps stand out?

How does a heat pump work?

A heat pump is a device that collects free energy contained in the air or ground and, using a small amount of electricity, uses it to heat the building and prepare domestic hot water (DHW). It does not emit any harmful substances into the environment, which makes it a very ecological solution. The heat generated by it comes in approximately 80% from renewable energy sources (RES), and only in approximately 20% from electricity. Thanks to this, everyone can save a lot on heating.

Pumps use natural resources such as:

  • geothermal heat,
  • heat of ground and surface waters,
  • air heat.

It is worth noting that these sources do not have to have the temperature at the level that you want to achieve indoors. Pumps have the ability to transform cold into heat (and vice versa) using a small amount of electricity. The devices have two sources:

  • upper – water tank (central heating system), where the energy absorbed by the pump is supplied,
  • lower – ground or air (the higher their temperature, the less electricity the pump consumes).

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Kaisai heat pump The choice between a ground and air heat pump should be dictated primarily by financial possibilities. The first solution requires greater financial outlays due to the need to drill a ground source (wells). A cheaper investment alternative - due to easier installation - is an air-water heat pump .

Efficient air pumps can be found in the Kaisai brand offer. It provides the market with numerous renewable energy solutions, which also include heat recovery units and photovoltaic systems. By using the full potential of these products, each household can ensure energy independence from external suppliers. Let's take a closer look at the key benefits of Kaisai Arctic series heat pumps.

Heat pump – advantages

The advantages of heat pumps are numerous. There are both financial and ecological arguments in favor of using these devices:

  • Reducing CO2 emissions - up to 80% of energy is obtained from the air, which eliminates any exhaust gases and reduces electricity consumption by up to 20%. In the case of an additional photovoltaic installation, using the heat pump may become completely free.
  • User comfort – heat pumps are completely maintenance-free devices. They automatically maintain the set temperature in the building and domestic hot water, regardless of external conditions. They also do not require refueling or regular maintenance work such as removing ash.
  • Safety – unlike traditional heating systems, the heat pump does not pose a fire hazard and does not carry the risk of gas explosion. By choosing this solution, you can also omit the use of carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Savings - this is one of the most important advantages of heat pumps. These devices contribute to a significant reduction in building operating costs. The costs of heating and hot water are reduced by up to four times. In the case of pumps, expenses such as chimney sweep inspections are also avoided.
  • Possibility of cooling rooms - it is worth remembering that heat pumps can be used not only to heat rooms in winter, but also to cool them in summer.

Kaisai heat pump

Arctic heat pumps

The Kaisai brand offers two types of Arctic series heat pumps:

  • air-water heat pumps in monoblock version
  • and air-water pumps in the split version.

The first type are single devices with heating power from 6 to 30 kW. They can be used for heating and cooling, as well as for heating domestic hot water. They are used in single- and multi-family houses and public buildings. Importantly, they can be used in mixed heating systems, i.e. radiators and underfloor heating. Because they are standardly equipped with a mixing group that controls the supply temperature of various heat receivers in the central heating installation

Check out Arctic heat pumps from KAISAI

The undoubted advantage of this solution is its compact nature. The device is easy to install and does not take up much space in the room. It is complete, hermetic, ready-to-work equipment that does not require any specialist inspections. In the case of monoblock pumps, it is only necessary to protect their heating medium (i.e. water) against freezing as a result of power loss.

Split heat pumps consist of two devices. The installation of the indoor and outdoor units must be performed by a qualified installer with permission to work with refrigerant gases. The advantage of this solution is the lack of risk of freezing of the heating medium and easier access to hydraulic elements.

The split heat pump can operate in a very wide range of external temperatures, and its standard equipment includes, among others, support for two heating circuits, an auxiliary heater, a circulation pump, a safety group and a heated drip tray. Kaisai's offer includes split models with heating power from 6 to 16 kW.

Both types of Arctic series heat pumps can be controlled from a mobile application, which allows, for example, setting the supply and hot water temperatures, switching zones and controlling electricity consumption.

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Heat pump – why is it worth it?

A heat pump is a solution worth using when designing heating systems in new buildings. On the one hand, we do not pollute the natural environment, and on the other hand, we significantly reduce bills. If your client also invests in a photovoltaic installation, he will be able to enjoy the benefits of completely free heating.

Ecological and economic aspects are, of course, the most important benefits of using a heat pump, but they are not the only ones! Check out the Kaisai brand range and you will quickly see how comprehensive and convenient the Arctic series devices are.

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