Photovoltaics - How to calculate demand? Warm your house with the sun!

Added: Thursday, 2/17/2022

Photovoltaic panels are becoming more and more popular. Their use effectively reduces electricity costs. How to plan a PV installation so that it not only covers the current demand for electricity, but also allows you to heat your house?

How to plan a PV installation - what are the benefits?

When planning a photovoltaic installation, installers often select it to match the current electricity consumption in a given household. In this situation, it is extremely important to look to the future. Nowadays, we have a number of financing options for changing the heating source. Regulations regarding the heating systems used are also becoming more and more stringent.

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Benefits of using an electric boiler with a PV installation?

An electric boiler is an extremely comfortable heating source. Its user is not dependent on the availability of heating fuel and does not have to store or refill it. The price of an electric boiler is quite low compared to other heat sources, and the degree of parameter setting options is very high. KOSPEL electric boilers have a number of solutions that will allow you to adjust the boiler operation to your personal preferences and habits. Moreover, using an electric boiler is extremely ecological. It does not burn any material, so it does not produce additional CO2 or harmful substances into the atmosphere, causing, among others: smog phenomenon.

Precisely changing settings on a clear LCD display is a pleasure compared to operating traditional solid-fuel boilers. There is also no requirement to have a boiler room that meets fire safety regulations.

The basic question of the future user arises. Is heating your house with electricity expensive? At first glance, such heating may seem uneconomical, but there are a number of solutions that we can use to significantly reduce heating costs and make it more economical than using other heat sources.

One of them is the use of a photovoltaic installation . The electricity needed to heat the house will be drawn primarily from the sun. With a properly planned PV installation, we can significantly reduce electricity bills for heating. Moreover, we use entirely green energy, gaining independence and at the same time not producing any environmentally harmful substances during the operation of the boiler.

From April 1, 2022, new rules of the RES Act will come into force. According to them, the current consumption will be more important for the user of a PV installation than the use of the stored energy later. However, installations established by March 31, 2022 will be settled under the old rules for 15 years. It will be possible to expand them and additional energy yields can still be used for heating in winter using an electric boiler.

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What are the possibilities of reducing the costs of heating with an electric boiler?

One of them is the use of photovoltaic panels . The electricity needed to heat the house will be drawn primarily from the sun. If we make the correct assumptions when planning the installation, we can reduce the electricity bills needed to heat the house. In addition, we use green energy, gaining independence.

Are there any other ways to reduce home heating costs? Of course. The costs of heating your home depend on many factors. The energy price itself is only one of them, and not the most important one. It is worth knowing what to take care of and what to do to reduce heating costs even several times.

The degree of thermal modernization of the building has the greatest impact on reducing heating costs. Thermal modernization includes insulation of external and internal walls, ceiling and replacement of windows and doors. Insulating the building will reduce consumption to up to 8,400 kWh per year.

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Another solution is to use a buffer tank and an appropriate tariff from the electricity operator. Then we will consume energy at a cheaper time and keep the hot water in the buffer. We will use it in our heating installation when we need it. This way you can significantly reduce your electricity bills for heating. This application will provide comfortable and inexpensive heating with relatively low investment costs.