How do heating cables and wires work?

Added: Monday, 5/29/2023

Heating cables are an integral element in heating systems that aim to ensure optimal temperature and protection against freezing. Their application is wide and includes, among others: underfloor heating, water pipes, roofs, gutters, stairs and sidewalks. Thanks to them, it is possible to maintain thermal comfort and avoid potential damage caused by low temperatures common in this latitude.

Heating cable

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What is the heating cable used for?

Heating cable   its task is to generate and emit heat in an even and controlled manner, it is used in various types of heating:

  • Underfloor heating - heating cables are installed under the floor surface, which allows for even distribution of heat and heating of the entire surface of the room.

  • Heating of water and sewage pipes - heating cables are mounted around the pipes or placed inside them. Their task is to prevent freezing and maintain the fluidity of water in pipes even in extreme weather conditions. This allows you to avoid damage caused by freezing pipes and ensure the continuity of water supply or sewage disposal.

  • Roof systems - the purpose of the cables, by uniformly heating the roof surface, is to prevent the formation of ice and icicles, which protects the roof from damage and contributes to the safety of users.

Heating cables with thermostat

A heating cable with a thermostat offers many benefits and opportunities to personalize the operation of your heating system, including:

  • Precise temperature control - thanks to this, you can adjust the operation of the cable to individual preferences and requirements, ensuring optimal heating conditions in a given place.

  • Saving energy and operating costs - you can program specific cable operation periods so that it only works when there is the greatest demand for heat and is turned off the rest of the time.

  • Comfort of use - the user can adjust the operation of the heating cable to his or her personal preferences and set the optimal temperature for a given zone, e.g. for underfloor heating or defrosting the driveway. The thermostat also allows you to quickly respond to changing weather conditions or user needs, allowing you to adjust the temperature at any time.

  • Automation and remote control - some models are equipped with automation and remote control functions, allowing you to program heating cable operating schedules and remotely control the temperature using mobile devices, and even monitor current energy consumption.

Self-regulating heating cable

Self-regulating heating cables are an innovative solution in the field of heating systems, offering automatic adjustment of heating power to ambient conditions.

They are designed to distribute heat evenly along their entire length. Thanks to this, even in the case of changing environmental conditions, the cable provides optimal heat, eliminating the occurrence of places of excessive heating or overheating. The operation of a self-regulating heating cable is based on the change of electrical resistance depending on the ambient temperature. When the temperature is lower, the heating cable draws more power, which increases the heat released. However, when the temperature increases, the cable automatically reduces its power. Self-regulating cables are efficient and safe because they use only as much energy as needed to maintain the desired temperature. This saves energy and reduces operating costs, while eliminating the risk of cable overheating and damage.

How much current does a heating cable consume?

The current consumption of a heating cable depends on its power and length. The power of heating cables may vary depending on the application and manufacturer, so it is important to check the technical specifications of a given cable. Most manufacturers provide information on current consumption per unit of cable length, but it is recommended to consult a professional or read the manufacturer's instructions before installing the heating cable to ensure proper connection and safe use.

Heating cables are extremely useful tools for ensuring optimal temperature and frost protection in various heating systems. Choosing the right heating cable can ensure energy efficiency and comfort of use.

Check out heating cables at the Onninen wholesaler