How to advise a customer which light switch to choose?

Added: Friday, 12/18/2020

When arranging the space in their apartment, customers pay the most attention to key issues - wall and floor finishing, furniture, and characteristic decorations. However, sometimes they don't think much about the details of the interior, such as inconspicuous light switches . However, as it turns out, these elements may not only affect the final aesthetics of the interior, but also affect the comfort of the tenants. The switch market has developed significantly over recent years, so the wide range of available variants is really impressive. What aspects of these products should the customer pay attention to? How to convince him to choose modern touch panels?

How to advise a customer which light switch to choose

Ask about the budget for contacts and liaisons

First of all, if you want to advise a client as an installer, you must be aware of their budget. How much does he intend to spend on finishing the apartment and what part of this amount is the cost of purchasing light switches? Be prepared for the fact that most people will not even be aware of the need to incur such expenses. This is one of those things that is very easy to forget about during a general renovation or furnishing of the premises.

How to advise a customer which light switch to choose

This state of affairs is caused by the relatively low prices of electrical equipment, such as various switches and sockets. In fact, they can be purchased at affordable prices, and it is not so much their type but their number that is decisive. The larger the apartment, the more such products you need to buy. However, your customers should understand that light switches can vary greatly in price, depending on what materials they are made of and what technology they use.

Check out the offer of the Kontakt - Simon brand!

This is mainly about the difference between traditional models based on a simple mechanism and advanced touch panels . The latter use modern controllers and are made of reinforced glass. The disproportion between prices will therefore be very noticeable, which may make it difficult for you to convince customers to choose innovative, elegant panels. However, you have plenty of arguments at your disposal resulting from the undoubted advantages of these products.

Determine your needs, referring to the capabilities of the switches

The main advantage of touch panels is their versatility. The light switch is just one of the functions of these devices. They also allow you to control blinds, regulate the temperature or control the air conditioning in the room. What's more, access to all these options is possible on one surface. Your customers don't have to purchase a separate product for each circuit in their home. All you need is a single panel grouping various switches - it will take up little space on the wall and will allow you to control up to 4 circuits.

Residential and office equipment from the Kontakt - Simon brand

When advising clients, try to understand their needs. Do they only need light switches, or would they like to combine this function with other possibilities? Remember to remind them that choosing touch panels does not have to mean giving up traditional electrical equipment. Many models available on the market allow you to create practical multiple sets. This makes it possible to combine panels with elements such as dimmers, USB chargers and sockets.

Customers should be made aware that each switch - whether a button or a touch panel - should be not only convenient to use, but above all safe. It is therefore important that they pay attention to the approvals and certificates obtained by specific products. The technical properties of connectors used in rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms will be particularly important. They must withstand moisture and intensive use perfectly.

A light switch appropriate to the interior design

Light switches contact simon

In addition to purely technical aspects, your clients may also need help with selecting equipment for interior design. Aesthetics is, of course, an individual matter of taste, but it is quite easy to notice the difference between what a traditional button looks like and what a modern touch panel looks like.

First of all, the switch can be made of various materials and take any color. This means that each of your customers will find the perfect variant for themselves in the store. No one should have any problems with matching its aesthetics to a specific interior design. In most cases, it is worth recommending flush-mounted equipment, as it allows you to hide an unsightly box in the wall. Surface-mounted variants are rather reserved for utility rooms.

Switches very often come in a universal white color and in most cases they are made of ordinary plastic. It is worth making customers aware of other options - usually more expensive, but compensating for the price with exceptional quality and unique character. We are talking, for example, about products made of wood, glass, even concrete or leather.

Touch panels are definitely less popular, so their selection will be more limited. The Kontakt-Simon brand supplies the market, among others, with products made of elegant glass, the color of which can be matched to the interior design of the apartment. This type of switches fit perfectly into new, minimalist interiors with a modern character. However, their universal aesthetics should satisfy everyone, including the most demanding customers.

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Simon Touch connectors - the highest quality equipment

Simon Touch connectors and accessories of the highest quality

The offer of the renowned Kontakt-Simon brand includes modern touch switches in the form of glass frames hiding electronic controllers. This is an alternative to traditional keys - a solution tailored to the needs of modern consumers. A wide selection of panels makes it easy to match them to the decor and combine them with standard accessories in the form of multiple sets. The use of similar technologies makes it much easier to control lighting and other devices at home. Switches of this type should be placed, for example, next to the bed in the bedroom - they will allow you to conveniently control the most important functions without having to move from your place.

Simon 54 Touch products may have 1, 2 or 4 touch fields responsible for different circuits. They are available as single and double switches in all possible variants: universal, stair, cross and roller shutter. In order to ensure the highest possible functionality and aesthetics of such a solution, Kontakt-Simon products are illuminated with a blue LED, which helps locate the equipment in the dark. However, the light can be turned off so that it does not dissipate the darkness when it is not desired.

Help your customers choose the best switches for their home!

Electrical equipment for convenient operation of home lighting is one of the last issues that people think about when arranging space. Nevertheless, both the comfort of the tenants and the aesthetics and consistency of the decor depend on its choice. Therefore, feel free to tell your clients what considerations they should follow when designing interiors. You can advise them to use the Kontakt-Simon brand offer, they will gain reliable switches and dimmers, and you will benefit from working with easy-to-install products!

Check out the offer of the Kontakt - Simon brand!