How to apply for a subsidy in the My Electricity 6.0 program? Step by step

Added: Wednesday, 12/11/2024

The Mój Prąd 6.0 program is another edition of a popular project aimed at supporting investments in renewable energy sources, especially photovoltaic installations, but also devices such as electricity storage. Thanks to the subsidy, the costs of purchasing and installing PV systems, as well as other solutions that increase the energy efficiency of homes, can be significantly reduced. To take advantage of this program, you must meet certain criteria and submit an application correctly. How to do it? In the article below, we will help you with this, guiding you step by step and explaining who can become a beneficiary and gain funding. We will advise you on how to fill out the application and indicate what conditions you must meet to receive support.

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How to apply for the My Electricity 6.0 program?

Photovoltaics have taken the world by storm because they provide great benefits - free energy and reduced emissions. However, such an investment is a big expense, which is why special financial support programs have appeared. One of them is Mój Prąd 6.0.

If we want to obtain funding, the first condition is to submit an application, which we can do in a few simple steps, provided that the appropriate documents are prepared in advance. The application is submitted only in electronic form, via a dedicated application generator, which is available on the website of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). To do this, we should have a Trusted Profile or an electronic signature. This allows for online document automation.

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Before submitting the application, make sure that all documents are complete and correctly filled out. This is important because errors in the documentation may result in the application being rejected. It may also be necessary to supplement it, which will certainly delay receiving the subsidy. After submitting the form in the system, we will receive an application number, which is worth keeping because it will be needed for further correspondence.

The verification process usually takes a few weeks. The status of submitted applications can be checked on the platform where it was submitted. The entire verification process usually takes a few weeks. The status of your application can be checked on the platform where it was submitted. After the application has been approved, the funds will be transferred to the indicated bank account.

Who can apply for funding under the My Electricity 6.0 program?

It is worth remembering that in the Mój Prąd 6.0 program we can obtain funding for photovoltaic sets , but also other modern solutions, such as heat pumps and electricity storage. This is all that is needed to achieve energy independence. Air heat pumps , which are most often chosen by prosumers, provide comfort and good thermal conditions, while energy storage allows for the storage of surplus energy produced by the photovoltaic installation. This allows for better management of such energy.

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The program is aimed at individuals who own or co-own real estate and have invested in renewable energy sources, such as photovoltaic installations. Anyone who wants to apply for the subsidy must be a prosumer, which means that they should generate electricity from photovoltaic micro-installations and consume it for their own needs. Let's also remember that such an installation must already be connected to the electricity grid, and the date of connection cannot be earlier than specified in the regulations of the current edition of the program.

It is also worth knowing that the subsidy is also available to people planning additional investments that increase energy efficiency, which includes, among others, the purchase of an electricity storage or an energy management system. Another extremely important requirement is to have complete and compliant documents - invoices and payment confirmations.

How do I check if I am eligible for funding from the My Electricity 6.0 program?

As we can see, when planning a photovoltaic installation, we gain a unique opportunity to obtain financial support. But how can we check whether we are eligible for this assistance? To make sure, we should carefully analyze the conditions of participation in the program, as well as the provisions of the regulations.

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Equally important, the program is aimed exclusively at prosumers, i.e. people who produce electricity for their own needs, which requires a photovoltaic micro-installation. It must also meet certain technical standards and be connected in the appropriate qualifying period, indicated in the given edition of the program.

Step by step, we will obtain a subsidy from the Mój Prąd 6.0 program, which will improve the comfort of our lives and the well-being of the natural environment.

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