How to properly replace the shower seal?

Added: Thursday, 1/4/2024

Ensuring the proper functioning of the shower cabin is a key element of maintaining comfort and hygiene in the bathroom. One of the most common problems we may encounter is wear or damage of the seal that is responsible for the tightness of the cabin. How to properly replace such a gasket? You will find out in this article!

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Check out the shower cabin seals at the Onninen wholesaler

How to prevent leaking water from a shower cabin?

Geberit lower shower cabin seal 80 Niven FKPF, Next HKPF The specificity of a shower cabin means that not only the installation itself, but also the entire space used for bathing must be secured. One of the most important elements is the shower cabin seal , which is designed to be installed on the shower cabin door to prevent water leaks into the rest of the bathroom.

Most often, a special door seal is used to prevent water from spilling out, although solutions using magnets are also popular. A tight cabin and good quality seals are essential. However, it is worth being aware that a lot also depends on the proper protection of the shower tray.

Correct replacement of the shower seal

When buying a new cabin, we can be sure that it will be properly tight. Just slide the shower door and enjoy your bath. However, rubber seals wear out over time, and water leaks out through the cracks not only when you open the shower. In such a situation, the shower cabin seal must be replaced with a new one. This is where the most common problem arises - how to properly replace the seal in the shower cabin?

Contrary to appearances, replacing seals is not very complicated, but it requires proper preparation and precision of operation. You will need to order a special seal for the cabins. They are characterized by high resistance to moisture and chemicals used to clean shower trays and cabin glass. Once you have the right gasket, you need to start with accurate measurements. Each shower cabin is different and has a different size, which is why shower seals are available in different lengths. When choosing the right model, you should pay attention to the fact that the products also have different shapes. It is best to choose a variant that is the same or closest to the one that will be dismantled.

The first step in replacing the seal is to remove the old, worn out fragments, then it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the glass and shower tray to remove any dirt. Before installation, the surface must be thoroughly dried. When everything is properly prepared, place the new seal on the shower door or on the glass, depending on the installation location. It happens that problems begin to appear at this stage, so if the gasket does not want to fit into the right place, lubricate it with a small amount of dishwashing liquid. Specialists advise that if the selected gasket turns out to be too wide, you can press a small amount of silicone into the strip, but in such a situation, the installation should be done before the silicone dries.

The final stage is to check the correctness of assembly. It is worth verifying whether it adheres properly to the surface and, in the case of doors, whether it does not cause difficulties in opening or closing them.

Seals for shower cabins in the Onninen wholesaler

At the Onninen wholesaler, we have a wide range of seals for shower cabins, characterized by exceptional durability and strength. Thanks to the products, replacing the seal will be efficient and effective.

Geberit First magnetic door shower seal The available products include Geberit lower shower cabin seal 80 Niven FKPF, Next HKPF . It is made of high-quality plastic, which makes the model extremely durable. The advantage is that it can also be used to seal internal and external doors.

We also sell First magnetic door seals . No specialized tools will be needed for installation, and the entire process is quick and efficient. Thanks to the magnetic seal, a high degree of protection against leaks can be achieved. Magnetic seals are a modern solution that offers many advantages.

Check out the shower cabin seals at the Onninen wholesaler