Concrete cutting is an important and often essential part of many construction and maintenance jobs. Due to the properties of concrete (especially its high hardness), processing this material may pose some difficulties. When necessary, appropriate equipment should be used. In the new entry, we explain when it is necessary to cut concrete and how to choose the right concrete saw.
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What are the uses of concrete saws?
Cutting concrete is an important element of many construction, renovation or finishing works. They are carried out, among others, to create expansion joints. Concrete structures work under the influence of temperature differences and loads. To allow the material to move freely and reduce the risk of cracks, expansion joints are made using a cutter. Another application is the creation of grooves for electrical, water, gas and other installations, as well as drainage channels (especially important in the case of investments carried out in areas with high humidity or prone to flooding).
A concrete cutter is also indispensable for making holes for doors, windows, ventilation and other elements that must be precisely matched. During demolition works, cutting concrete enables efficient dismantling of existing structural elements. Marking and marking out routes, surface treatment (e.g. creating an anti-slip surface or giving a specific texture and appearance to a concrete surface) are also important applications.
What are the most important parameters of a concrete saw?
For a concrete cutter to fulfill its purpose and enable efficient processing, it must be properly adapted to the specific application. The quality of the tool is also important.
When assessing both aspects, the most important are the technical parameters of a given model - primarily engine power. It affects the efficiency and ability to cut through various types of concrete. Greater engine power enables easier cutting of hard and reinforced concrete. For professional applications, the absolute minimum is 3 kW.
The diameter of the disc is also important. The maximum cutting depth depends on it. When choosing a cutter, it is worth choosing a disc with the appropriate diameter that will allow you to achieve the desired cutting depth. Most often, this value is 230, 300, 350 and 400 millimeters. Also pay attention to adjusting the cutting depth. The larger its scope, the easier it will be for you to adapt the cutter to a specific task and project. The most popular models offer cutting to a depth of 125 millimeters, which is enough for processing, for example, paving stones.
Concrete saws can be powered by internal combustion, batteries or electricity. The first two types can be used in places where there is no access to the electrical network. When choosing a model with a combustion engine, it is worth making sure that exhaust gases can be removed effectively.
What should you consider when choosing a concrete cutter?
In addition to technical parameters, attention should also be paid to other issues. The most important of them are: load resistance (the cutter should be designed to withstand the loads resulting from various types of work), quality tests and certificates (products that have undergone appropriate tests and obtained certificates are usually more trustworthy), materials used for production (resistant to mechanical damage, corrosion and weather conditions) and protection (e.g. locking systems, emergency stops or protection against accidental start-up).
Good cutters are also equipped with a water cooling system. Water in the working area reduces the risk of overheating the blade and increases cutting precision. Also pay attention to the ease of use. The ergonomic handle, balanced design and the ability to adjust the position of the handle affect the operator's work comfort - and therefore its precision and safety.
The cutter should be able to perform a variety of tasks, ensuring durability, efficiency and work safety. Therefore, its choice should be carefully considered. If you don't know which product will work best for your projects, please contact us. Our advisors, thanks to their extensive experience and very good knowledge of the industry, will certainly help you make the best decision.