How to finish gaps in a plaster wall?

Added: Monday, 9/11/2023

Renovation works require maximum precision and accuracy. At the same time, many of them can be extremely time-consuming. Holes and defects in the wall especially require quick reaction and the use of appropriately selected preparations. Today we will tell you how to finish the gaps on the wall with plaster.

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How to properly plaster a wall?

gypsum plaster Dolina Nidy Tempo 30 kg Plastering walls involves three steps. Step one is plastering. Step two is filling. Step three is smoothing the surface. In order for the surface to be perfectly smooth, the walls must be plastered very carefully. Both gypsum plaster and gypsum plaster will work very well for this purpose, but remember that the gypsum plaster layer should not exceed 3 mm thick. It can be used for cement, cement-lime and concrete plasters. However, gypsum plasters should be applied in one thick layer, up to 2 cm thick. There is no need to level the surface with plaster.

You should also know that gypsum plasters are used on mineral substrates, which include ceramic bricks, sand-lime bricks, as well as ordinary and cellular concrete. In the case of walls with high absorbency, the substrate should be additionally primed, because only then can its absorbency be equalized. In order to properly plaster the wall, you must first clean the surface, i.e. remove any peeling paint, but also any dust, dirt or dust. Then it is necessary to putty the walls, because in this way you can smooth out all kinds of cracks, but also fill in any gaps. At the very end we apply gypsum plaster. Mix the mortar with water. It should be applied with a wide trowel. When it dries, we sand the wall over the entire surface. For this purpose, you can use sandpaper with a grit of 100 to 150 or a plaster grinder.

What layer of gypsum plaster should be applied to the wall?

Proper execution of work allows you to achieve the best final effect. Of course, to achieve this effect you need to choose the right materials. Which layer of gypsum plaster gives the best effect? Let's start with the fact that 1 kg of gypsum plaster covers approximately 1.5 m3 of wall. Gypsum plaster cannot be applied in several layers. Only one layer is enough, and the key to success is the appropriate thickness. It cannot exceed 30 mm, and ideally it should be 25 mm. We must remember that the gypsum plaster layer cannot be less than 5 mm.

How thick should the plaster putty be?

white gypsum putty Dolina Nidy Omega 20 kg Gypsum filler, or gypsum filler , is used not only for leveling walls, but also ceilings. You need to know that building plaster should be applied in very thin layers, the thickness of which cannot exceed 2 to 3 mm. We must not forget that the number of layers also counts. Here you need to know that you need to apply a minimum of two layers. In the case of greater unevenness, there must be much more layers. If you intend to place any decorations or strips on the wall, you should choose the appropriate mounting adhesive , but it can only be used when the wall is completely dry.

Plaster finishing products in the Onninen wholesaler

When carrying out finishing works related to eliminating defects on the walls, you can choose Dolina Nidy Tempo gypsum plaster 30 kg . It is really efficient and at a favorable price. It can be applied with a plastering machine, but remember that the walls must be thoroughly cleaned before application. It is suitable for walls made of lime-sand bricks, as well as ordinary and cellular concrete, light chipboards and cement boards, and even those with ceramic elements.

white gypsum putty Dolina Nidy Omega 20 kg In the case of single-layer plasters, you can choose Dolina Nidy Alfa light Plus 30 kg gypsum plaster . It is intended for interior rooms, but also ceilings. It can even be used in rooms such as kitchens and bathrooms. You need to know that it is a strong plaster. Thanks to properly selected proportions, the plaster has even better adhesion. It also allows you to save money due to lower material consumption. 0.75 kg is enough for 1 m2 of wall while maintaining a layer thickness of 1 mm.

Dolina Nidy Omega white gypsum putty 20 kg may also work well. It is suitable for both manual and machine application. It ensures optimal hardness and excellent adhesion. Thanks to it, you can create a strong base for both painting and wallpapering.

Check plasters, joints and building mortars at the Onninen wholesaler