How to prepare a pellet boiler for the upcoming heating season?

Added: Tuesday, 9/6/2022

Thanks to subsidies and improved ecological awareness, old stoves have been replaced with efficient pellet boilers in many Polish homes. And that's no wonder, because this option ensures convenience and efficiency, and - importantly - it is environmentally friendly. However, it should be remembered that boilers, although reliable, require regular inspections, which determine their efficiency and our safety. So how to prepare a pellet boiler for the upcoming heating season? What items should be checked? Are there activities we can do ourselves? Answers below!

How to prepare a pellet boiler for the upcoming heating season

In this article you will read:

  • why regular boiler inspections are so important;
  • who can review;
  • what activities such a review includes.

Boiler inspection before the heating season – why is it so important?

An inspection of a pellet boiler is necessary because the device is subject to use and, consequently, wear. Regular servicing allows you to check whether the entire structure is working according to the set standards and whether there have been any serious defects. Inspection of the boiler before the heating season will allow you to check, among other things, whether there is any corrosion process, whether the heater is damaged or whether the burner or elements of the feeding system are blocked. Early detection of the problem will allow you to take appropriate corrective actions to prevent an unpleasant surprise at the most inopportune moment.

Regular inspection ensures our safety. Only a fully operational and well-functioning boiler allows you to heat your home economically. In the event of a breakdown or negligence, heating becomes more expensive and less effective, which puts additional strain on our pockets. As research shows, proper maintenance ensures greater efficiency of the heating device and, consequently, lower fuel consumption, ensuring lower heating bills.

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Who should perform the inspection before the heating season starts?

Of course, such an inspection should be performed by professionals from the manufacturer's authorized service center. Only experienced specialists will be able to carry out a detailed inspection and identify and repair any faults. Carrying out repairs yourself may be dangerous and will also void the warranty. It is important to seek the help of specialists also when we notice disturbing symptoms of the device's operation, such as unusual noises or any other abnormal symptoms.

Independent actions – what to remember?

Apart from using the services of professional service technicians, can we do anything ourselves? Of course! We can, and even must, clean the boiler regularly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Elements that are worth paying special attention to are the ash pan, the grate in the combustion chamber, the exhaust ducts, and the tank. The tank in the discharge pipe should also be inspected and checked for any accumulation of dust or other pellet residues. Regular maintenance of the device will ensure that the boiler will serve us for many years, providing heat effectively and economically.

Check out the offer of Pellux products at the Onninen wholesaler