How to reduce circulation pump energy costs? Online Pumps

Added: Tuesday, 10/10/2023

Heating specialists certainly know that pumps play a significant role in the energy balance of a single building, both on a global and micro scale. Their work, which is necessary to maintain thermal and functional comfort, may consume up to 10 to 15% of the electricity consumed by a household. Why is this happening? – well, we may not realize it, but pumps are devices that work most of the day, regardless of whether there is anyone in the building. So how can you save the energy used by pumps?

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How to recognize whether a circulation pump is energy-saving?

ONNLINE EQC-L circulation pump 25-8/180.1 1/2", 3 operating modes The European Commission in the ErP (Energy-related Products) ecodesign directives   defined in detail the requirements regarding the efficiency of pumps that can be used in the European Union. This regulation ensures that manufacturers will strive to improve installation pumps in such a way that they fulfill their tasks   in terms of pumping, they consumed less and less energy. A pump that meets these requirements has an energy efficiency index (EEI) on its plate, which is lower, the better indicates the pump's energy efficiency. Today, the values of this coefficient for leading manufacturers are below 0.2 .  

We are proud to announce that all models of ONNLINE circulation pumps manufactured by Xylem we offer meet these requirements and are among the most economical pumps on the market.

Why is it worth choosing Online circulation pumps?

Our idea is to offer high-quality products at a reasonable price under our own ONNLINE brand. Thanks to long-term contracts with the supplier, we are able to set an attractive price level for a high-quality product that will not disappoint our professional customer.   The range of pumps offered by our company, in addition to the most recognizable manufacturers in Poland, such as Grundfos or Wilo, also includes pumps produced by one of the world's leading pump market leaders: the American company XYLEM , which brings together many well-known pump brands produced in factories around the world. For our "ONNLINE" brand, we chose a pump manufactured in Europe in a factory in Hungary. Some electronic assemblies are manufactured in Italy and the bodies are also manufactured in Poland. The EEI coefficient for our ONNLINE pumps is:

Manufacturer number Designation Max. the hight of raising EEI coefficient
CNS100 ONNLINE EQC-S 25-4/180, 1 1/2" 4m ≤ 0.16
CNS101 ONNLINE EQC-M 25-6/180, 1 1/2" 6m ≤ 0.17
CNS102 ONNLINE EQC-M 25-6/130, 1" 6m ≤ 0.17
DAH643 ONNLINE EQC-L 25-8/180, 1 1/2" 8m ≤ 0.18

How much can you save with an Onnline circulation pump?

ONNLINE EQC-M 15-6/130 circulation pump, 1", 3 operating modes The difference between the old, often still used circulation pump with a 2- or 3-speed switch and a modern pump with a rotor with neodymium magnets and microprocess control is similar to that between an old light bulb and an LED light source. The old pumps, depending on the setting, consumed 55-100 W of electrical power, and the new ones, with the same water pumping capacity, consumed 4-45 W.

Additionally, the electronic control and adaptive systems used mean that the pump temporarily develops only the power required by the heating system, in short - it pumps as much as needed and at the right time.
Taking into account that older pump models used in heating systems consume from 500 to 800 kWh annually, and the new generation Onnline EQC by Xylem pump consumes from 50 to 150 kWh, it is easy to calculate that you can save at least at least PLN 405 to PLN 585 *

*(For the price of 1 kWh = PLN 0.9 - according to the preferential tariff from September 2023 for an average household)

What are the advantages of Onnline circulation pumps?

Circulation pumps are an indispensable element of every central heating installation. They have many advantages that affect both savings and comfort of use. These include:

  • ONNLINE EQC-S 25-4/180 circulation pump, 1 1/2", 3 operating modes ECM motor - brushless, electronically commutated - enables smooth control of the operating speed,
  • Automatic venting function activated by the knob for about 3 minutes, after which the pump returns to the previous operating mode on its own,
  • Settings memory - after restoring the voltage (e.g. during a power failure), the pump returns to operation with the last settings after the power is restored,
  • Protection against dry running and overheating - an internal sensor that detects too high a temperature and stops the pump, and then - after reaching a safe temperature - restarts the pump,
  • Simple operation and compact structure - one knob controlling all functions and operating modes, and a multi-colored diode informing about the operating status, small dimensions of the pump, which is low, which makes it easier to fit it in tight spaces of boiler rooms or cabinets;
  • Accessories supplied with the pump: thermally insulating shells of the pump body, reducing heat loss, and an easy-to-install electric plug for connecting the device to operation.

We invite you to check the range of products we offer at, where you can also find information about current promotions and new products as well as our partner benefit exchange program ONNTOP .

Check installation pumps at the Onninen wholesaler