How to set up a gas combi boiler? Guide

Added: Thursday, 4/27/2023

A dual-function gas boiler is responsible for heating domestic water and water used to heat a house or apartment. It is a solution that does not require much space, because the tank is an element of the boiler itself. Worthy of attention are condensing boilers that recover heat from water vapor generated from the combustion of natural gas - it is an economical solution. Proper boiler positioning allows, among other things, to avoid unnecessary waste of thermal energy. Check below how to do it properly.

setting up a gas boiler

Check out dual-function gas condensing boilers at the Onninen wholesaler

How does a gas combi boiler work?

Online condensing gas boiler A gas dual-function boiler is a solution worth considering when choosing a central heating source for your home. The principle of its operation is not complicated - the gas is supplied to the burner, where it then ignites under the influence of the spark generated by the igniter. The burning gas is responsible for heating the water that flows through the plate heat exchanger. Water circulation is enabled by a circulation pump that starts when a spark appears on the igniter, so there is no fear that the water currently in the exchanger will heat up to a temperature that exceeds the boiling point.

The installation has a three-way valve that opens and closes to allow water circulation. The burner can heat water in the central heating system or in the hot water system, depending on its position.

How to set up a gas combi boiler?

The dual-function gas boiler has two knobs/buttons: the left one is used to set the temperature of the water supplying the radiators in the apartment, the right one is used to set the temperature of the water in the taps. The temperature of a dual-function gas boiler should be selected wisely, because too low a temperature may significantly shorten the life of the device - by up to 50%. Inappropriate temperature will also cause water to boil in the radiators and, ultimately, even cause the boiler to explode. If it is a condensing dual-function gas boiler (i.e. one that recovers additional heat from the combustion of natural gas), it is best to configure the controller in the range of 40-50 °C, in a regular one it is usually 30-45 °C. Temperatures above 57°C will prevent this device from condensing gas. However, manufacturers of dual-function gas boilers recommend using special charts that indicate specifically how to set the controller to ensure the highest heating efficiency. Each gas boiler should therefore have individually adjusted parameters. The correct temperature for radiators should be between 18 and 22 °C.

A different temperature is set in the case of underfloor, low-temperature heating. The name itself says that in such a case the temperature in the boiler should be lowered. We are talking about 25-35 °C. The temperature of the underfloor heating should be set to a maximum of 27-29°C in rooms.

Setting the temperature that will be appropriate for optimal gas consumption depends on several important aspects:

  1. Weather conditions - during a mild winter, it is worth setting a lower temperature on the boiler, but so that it still oscillates in the range of 40-50 ° C.
  2. Building insulation - if the house is equipped with thermal insulation on the walls and has properly sealed doors and windows, it is also worth heating sparingly by setting a slightly lower temperature on the boiler.
  3. Building passivity - it is much more difficult to obtain the right temperature in old or renovated buildings. You then have to take into account a large loss of heat energy, which means that the temperature in the boiler must be higher.

If you want to optimally set up your gas boiler, you need to regulate its temperature during the heating season - this, of course, depends on the weather conditions outside. Setting one temperature on the gas boiler controller and then leaving it for the entire winter is therefore a mistake, because there are warmer days - then the temperature should be set appropriately to the prevailing conditions,   so as not to waste gas.

The newer gas boiler is equipped with a control panel that allows you to easily make changes and set the appropriate, specific temperature. To set the parameters, use two buttons - one is marked with a plus sign, the other with a minus sign. They successively allow you to increase and decrease the value.

Check out dual-function gas condensing boilers at the Onninen wholesaler