How to unclog pipes? Learn about home methods and preparations for unblocking pipes

Added: Tuesday, 6/27/2023

There are many situations where clogged pipes become a real problem. This often means not only increased costs, but also difficulties in normal functioning at home or in the workplace. Without the right approach and tools, unclogging pipes may be difficult or impossible. In this article we present several effective ways to unclog pipes.

Plumber with a plunger in the toilet

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How to unclog a pipe yourself?

Bioexpert biological preparation for pushing pipes and sewage manholes BIO DRAINAGE 250g Often the first step is to find out where exactly the problem is. To start with, it is worth trying to use special chemicals that can help dissolve the accumulated mass in the pipes. However, please remember that some of these products may be dangerous to our health, so you should always read the instructions and use them with caution.

If we want to act more mechanically, it is worth using the classic method - the spiral. We can rent them or buy them in a construction store. The spiral is most often in the form of a flexible wire or rubber band that should be inserted into the pipe and moved towards the blockage. Always be careful not to damage the pipe.

If there are larger items inside the pipe, such as toys, you must use a garden hose. Just connect the hose to the bathroom, plug the drain and run high-pressure water to remove the obstruction.

However, if none of the above methods work, you should seek help from a specialist. A specialist will certainly find and remove the cause of the problem. However, it is worth remembering that regular inspections of pipes are the best way to avoid unclogging problems in the future.

Home ways to unclog pipes using basic products

It is common for our pipes to become clogged Preparation for unblocking pipes for absorption wells, drainage and sewage systems Bioexpert BIO7 DRAINAGE UNBLOCKING 800G and they need unclogging. Instead of calling a specialist right away, it is worth trying to solve this problem yourself using home remedies.

Boiling water

One of the easiest ways to unclog pipes is to use boiling water. Pour several liters of boiling water into the clogged drain to dissolve any food or grease residue. You can also try to remove residual dirt using a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Just pour about 100g of soda into the drain and pour 100ml of vinegar. It is recommended to cover the drain immediately to make the mixtures react more effectively.

A mixture of table salt and water

If the above methods fail, it is worth trying to create a mixture of water and table salt. Simply mix 1/2 cup of salt with 1/2 liter of water and pour it into the clogged drain. After about 30 minutes, the mixture should dissolve the impurities.

Hot water and baking soda

Another home method for unclogging pipes may be to use a sodium pipe cleaner. Just pour half a cup of baking soda into the clogged drain and then pour in hot water. After about an hour, this mixture should dissolve the accumulated impurities and unclog the pipe. However, if your clogged pipe problem is serious, you should always consult a professional to avoid more serious plumbing problems in the future.

Mechanical unblocking of pipes with a piston

Another way to unclog pipes may be to use a plunger. Place it on the clogged drain and move it up and down to remove the debris.

Preparations for unblocking pipes

Biological preparation for unblocking pipes Bioexpert - sewage degreaser 250g Pipe cleaners are a good solution for clogged pipes, especially when the contaminants are deep in the installation. However, it is important to remember safety and follow the instructions on the packaging. Before using the preparation, make sure that the product is suitable for the type of pipe and the contamination that needs to be removed. In case of doubt, it is always worth consulting a specialist or the manufacturer of the preparation. Remember that using inappropriate chemicals may expose us to danger and cause permanent damage to pipes and other installation elements. Therefore, you should always choose proven preparations from reputable manufacturers and follow the instructions. If this fails, do not try to solve the problem yourself, but seek help from a specialist. Thanks to this, we will minimize the risk of more serious problems with the installation in the future and ensure safe use of the home water and sewage system.

GRAF pipe cleaner

A product for quickly unblocking drains in the bathroom. It dissolves organic matter, especially hair, which clogs the drains of bathtubs and sinks. It does not negatively affect seals, sewage pipes, washbasin, bathtub and bidet fittings. A product for quickly unblocking drains in the bathroom.

Biological preparation against clogging of drainage and sewage wells

Product containing active ingredients Graf BIO7 pipe cleaner 1L biological is used to break down organic blockages in drainage systems. It contains a complex of enzymes with a high concentration of lipase responsible for the breakdown of fats. The use of bacteria and several enzymes enables effective decomposition and liquefaction of all organic deposits causing blockages and deterioration of the functionality of the infiltration system.

To sum up, unblocking pipes can be a difficult and time-consuming job, but with the methods presented above, you can handle it yourself. However, let's remember about caution and health protection. In case of doubts or major problems, it is worth seeking help from a specialist.

Check out pipe unblocking products at the Onninen wholesaler