Is a heat pump profitable?

Added: Wednesday, 1/19/2022

The popularity of heat pumps is constantly growing. This is one of the modern ecological solutions that allows you to generate significant savings on heating the building. In the era of fighting smog and rising gas and electricity prices, it seems to be an excellent alternative to traditional heat sources. Unfortunately, investing in this type of device involves significant expenses, so many people still refrain from purchasing it. In our guide, we will try to answer the question when installing a heat pump is profitable.

From this article you will learn:

  • what are the advantages and disadvantages of a heat pump,
  • what costs you have to take into account,
  • what impact heat pumps have on the environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of a heat pump

A heat pump is a device that obtains energy from renewable sources, such as air, water or ground temperature. Using electric current, it transfers it to the interior of the building in the form of heat. Interestingly, it does not require a high temperature of the lower source for this purpose. The pump can generate heat even from negative temperatures, although the lower they are, the more electricity the device will use.

Check out heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler

The mechanism of operation of heat pumps itself gives an idea of their key advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages, the most important role is, of course, played by economics. Under appropriate conditions, such a modern system can reduce the costs of heating a building to virtually zero (we will talk more about this later in the article). However, even the cooperation of a heat pump with another heating device generates approximately 60% savings on bills.

All thanks to obtaining heat from renewable energy sources, which leads us to another key advantage of pumps, i.e. ecology. Such a system does not emit exhaust gases and uses electricity from the power plant to a minimum extent. Its share in heat production is a maximum of 25%.

Heat pumps are also considered maintenance-free devices. Unlike solid fuel boilers, they do not require fuel or regular maintenance. You only need to configure the pump once to operate automatically, adapting its operation to specific conditions. Choosing such a heating system also relieves the investor of the obligation to install a chimney or allocate space for storing fuel, which makes it much easier at the stage of building a house.

So far, gas heating was considered so profitable that investing in a heat pump may not have seemed the best idea. Nevertheless, some saw it as a safe alternative - gas is still considered a threat. Now, with prices skyrocketing, a heat pump looks like an even more attractive choice.

Heat pumps from Atlantic

What costs are associated with operating heat pumps?

As we mentioned, the vast majority of energy obtained by a heat pump comes from renewable, and therefore free, sources - air, land or water. This means that the device requires only 20% of electricity to generate heat energy. This share increases with the difference between the temperature of the lower and upper heat source.

Check out heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler

Therefore, it is easy to guess that in the face of automated operation of the pump, the only expense that its user has to incur is electricity. How much can the bills amount to? It depends on many different factors, such as the surface of the building, the amount of heat loss or individual preferences regarding the temperature in the interior.

It is worth remembering - especially since electricity prices are rising rapidly - that you may not have to pay a penny for electricity. It also simply needs to be obtained from a renewable source. Of course, we are talking about a photovoltaic micro-installation that produces electricity from sunlight. Combining such a solution with a heat pump can provide the building with completely free electricity and heating and make users completely independent of external suppliers or market conditions.

Although a heat pump is a very cost-effective solution, it will not work in every case. It should be borne in mind that buildings with a really high demand for heating would require devices with enormous power, which would most likely not be able to provide the required amount of heat on their own. In such cases, pumps are used to supplement other heating systems - such as underfloor heating. Both sources work perfectly together, generating measurable savings at the same time.

When is heating your house with a heat pump profitable?

When considering whether a heat pump is profitable, you should take into account the specific circumstances in which it will be used. Its advantages will be completely different compared to various alternative solutions.

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that from an ecological perspective, heating with a heat pump is always profitable. This is one of the most environmentally friendly solutions. It causes much less harm than burning coal, biomass or oil. Although it requires certain amounts of electricity, the source of which is solid fuels, private boilers are the main cause of smog. Power plants have much greater opportunities to reduce their negative impact on the environment.

When it comes to the profitability of using a heat pump from an economic perspective, it is much better than heating a house with oil, propane or electricity alone. So far, however, it has been difficult to convince gas users of its advantages, the prices of which have remained relatively low. Now, however, it is changing rapidly, but that is not the end. It is also worth remembering the very high costs of installing a gas connection, which, together with the purchase of a boiler, bring such an investment closer to the value of installing a heat pump. It is therefore much better to choose future-proof, renewable energy sources.

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Atlantic heat pumps in the Onninen wholesaler

If you are looking for an efficient and reliable heating device, be sure to check out the Atlantic range available in our online wholesaler. Here you will find mainly air heat pumps in various variants. Choose a product tailored to the requirements of your project and provide its users with a safe and comfortable heating system!