Is solar cable different from regular cable?

Added: Wednesday, 9/25/2024

In a photovoltaic installation, the right choice of photovoltaic cable is very important. The efficiency and power of a photovoltaic installation depend to a large extent on the cabling. Are photovoltaic cables different from regular electrical cables? Check how to choose the right cables, adapting them to your photovoltaics?

Instalator podłącza kabel solarny do instalacji fotowoltaicznej z panelami PV na dachu

Check out the photovoltaic cables at the Onninen wholesaler

How to choose a cable wire for photovoltaics?

Bitner 1000 Solar 1x4.0 0.6/1 kV S66462 Solar Cable Wires and installation connectors are crucial to ensure that electricity production is uninterrupted. The photovoltaic cable should be resistant to UV radiation, high and low temperatures, and have adequate insulation to protect against moisture and mechanical damage.

We must not forget about other parameters when selecting cabling:

  • installation length;
  • maximum current;
  • operating temperature;
  • power of photovoltaic panels;
  • environment.

When choosing a solar cable, you should pay attention to its cross-section , because it affects the efficiency of electricity transmission in the network. A cross-section that is too small can cause energy losses and reduce the efficiency of the installation. On the other hand, a cross-section that is too large means higher costs for purchasing materials, which make micro-installations less profitable. It is worth recalling that electricity flowing from modules (photovoltaic panels), through the inverter and power supply points to the network, must cover a long distance. In order for the photovoltaic installation to bring the expected savings, it is necessary to ensure that the energy flow remains undisturbed.

The Onninen wholesaler offers a variety of photovoltaic cables, including a 6 mm solar cable , which is particularly recommended by specialists due to its technical properties.

Photovoltaic cable calculation formula

Top Brands Solar Cable H1Z2Z2-K 1x6 Black 180487711 To select the right solar cable for your photovoltaic installation, you can use available tools such as a cable cross-section calculator. You can also calculate the cross-section yourself using the following formula:

Wire cross-section (in mm²) = (I * n) / U * k * 0.01, where:

  • I – current intensity IMpp (in amperes),
  • n – total length of the circuit in meters,
  • U – UMPP circuit voltage (in volts),
  • k – specific conductivity of the conductor material (e.g. copper 48-54 m/ohm*mm),
  • 0.01 – allowable losses in circuits (1%).

Photovoltaic installations that produce electricity using appropriate cables are characterized by reliability and efficiency.

Let us add that by choosing a cable from the Onninen offer, the installer is certain that the photovoltaic cables available for sale meet the highest quality standards and are adapted to the specific requirements of the photovoltaic installation . This is a significant advantage, considering the fact that an incorrectly selected cross-section can lead to losses of electrical energy and overheating of the cable , which in turn can affect the efficiency of the system, including the inverter.

The difference between a photovoltaic cable and an electrical cable

Solar cable differs from regular electric cable mainly due to the specifics of its application . First of all, the photovoltaic cable must be resistant to UV radiation and extreme weather conditions, including very low and high temperatures, which negatively affect PV installations.

Solarflex-X PV1-F 1x4 red photovoltaic cable, 2-standard, double insulation, elukabel 705775 The insulation used in the cables is more durable, which increases their durability. Onninen's offer includes photovoltaic cables with various parameters, which ensure high efficiency in the transmission of electricity from photovoltaic panels.

The right choice of solar cable and installation wires and connectors is crucial for the safety and efficiency of the photovoltaic installation . Installers who choose products available in the Onninen offer are guaranteed the highest quality and long life of the cables. Remembering that photovoltaics often operate in difficult conditions, the selection of the right photovoltaic cable is essential to ensure the optimal operation of the PV installation.

Check out the photovoltaic cables at the Onninen wholesaler