The most efficient devices using solar energy - Solar collectors

Added: Monday, 7/29/2024

The main purpose of using solar collectors is to heat water with solar energy. They can also be used to heat swimming pool water and periodically support building heating. Their operation requires a trace amount of electrical energy, thanks to which we can make maximum use of free solar energy and save on bills. In terms of heat generation costs, the solar installation is unrivaled and its operation significantly reduces both energy consumption from traditional sources and pollutant emissions.

Kolektory słoneczne Hewalex na liście ZUM baner

Check out Hewalex solar collectors at the Onninen wholesaler

How much can you save with a solar installation?

Hewalex KS2100F TLP AC 14.47.02 solar collector Energy from solar collectors is the cheapest source of heat. The cost of heating 300 l of water, which is the daily requirement of a 5-person family, is only PLN 0.21. This is over 30 times less than gas heating and almost 80 times less than heating water with electricity. The comparison of heating costs with a solar installation and other types of fuels is presented in the graph below.

Up to 60% lower water heating bills per year

The installations installed in our country allow for up to 60% coverage of the annual energy demand for hot water, with up to 90% in the summer and up to approx. 30% in the winter. Solar collectors are most effective from April to September. However, this does not mean that in the remaining months solar collectors do not fulfill their function. In the winter, users also use water heated by solar energy.

The graph below shows the extent to which solar collectors provide hot water in each month.

Oszczędność energii kolektorów słonecznych w poszczególnych miesiącach wykres

Effective and efficient for decades

Solar collectors are very durable and resistant to weather conditions, thanks to high-quality materials and solid construction. They are usually made of aluminum and copper, which translates into many years of use. The advantage of a solar installation is its simplicity, convenience and efficiency. Hewalex solar collectors have been operating without failure for over 20 years . They are designed to withstand intense solar radiation and extreme weather conditions. Hewalex provides a 10-year warranty and has been a leader in the production of solar collectors for over 35 years .

Roof, facade or ground mounting

Hewalex KS2600F TLP AC 14.90.02 solar collector Solar collectors can be installed anywhere where there is a stable base: on the roof, on the wall of a building or on the ground using a free-standing structure. This technology is used by owners of single-family and multi-family houses, hotels, guesthouses, businesses, swimming pools, hospitals and farms. The installation of collectors does not require any notifications or permits. There is no need to conclude additional agreements with energy suppliers when building the installation.

Using the solar installation

A fully automatic solar installation does not require any special attention during the year. However, as with any installation, it is recommended that solar collectors be inspected periodically, usually every two years, to check the condition of the glycol and the magnesium anode in the water tank.

Solar collectors are not photovoltaic panels

Both systems use solar energy, but they work completely differently. A photovoltaic system produces electricity, while a solar system provides heat. Photovoltaic panels can also heat water, but solar collectors are four times more efficient. Unlike photovoltaic panels, they take up much less space. To heat water for a 4-person household, just two collectors (i.e. about 4 m2) are enough.
