NIBE heat pumps - the lowest heating costs and the highest subsidies

Added: Friday, 9/16/2022

Heat pumps have recently recorded record sales levels. What is this caused by? First of all, the rising costs of energy from conventional sources, but also the increasing possibilities of obtaining funding for the purchase of a heat pump. This makes this type of heating a solution not only the most economical in operation, but also, thanks to state financial support, the most profitable at the investment stage.

Hallway or utility room of the house, with the NIBE air heat pump visible from the outside

From this article you will learn:

  • what savings does a heat pump generate compared to other heating sources,
  • what subsidies you can count on when choosing a heat pump,
  • how to support the heat pump to maximize savings.

Heat pump - lowest operating costs

How to reliably calculate the operating costs of a heat pump? It is very easy. Just go to and use the savings calculator to calculate your annual savings with a NIBE heat pump compared to other heating devices. For example: for an average house with an area of 150 m 2 , inhabited by 4 people, we will pay from PLN 2,900 to PLN 3,600 per year depending on the type and efficiency of the selected heat pump, and our savings compared to other heating sources may range from PLN 3,300 to over PLN 10,000 per year . The calculator also allows, in a simplified way, to simulate costs for an older building, for devices with different efficiency and after changes in energy prices.

Comparison of annual home heating costs depending on the type of heating device used

Investing in a heat pump is always profitable. This is the only available technology that, in cooperation with renewable energy installations that generate electricity to power it, such as photovoltaic installations, enables virtually free heating and, last but not least, cooling of buildings.

NIBE F2120 air heat pump The cost of operating a NIBE heat pump can also be calculated in a simplified way without using a calculator, but we must know the annual energy demand of our building. So, assuming that our building has a demand of 20,000 kWh, we divide this value by the efficiency of the heat pump, e.g. SCOP = 5 for the newest and most effective air heat pump NIBE F2125 and we get a value of 4,000 kWh. This means that this is the amount of electricity the heat pump will need to power the compressor. We then multiply this value by the current total cost of 1 kWh of electricity, e.g. PLN 0.73 gross in the G12w weekend tariff, and we obtain an annual operating cost of PLN 2,920 . Even if the price of electricity increases by 40%, the cost will be approximately PLN 4,080 per year.

Check out the offer of NIBE heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler

The highest subsidies for the purchase and installation of a heat pump

Currently, several government programs are available in Poland to support investments in heat pumps and other thermal modernization activities. The owner of an existing building, heated by an old solid-fuel boiler, may receive a subsidy under the Clean Air program. He can also use the so-called thermal modernization relief, under which expenses incurred for thermal modernization activities and the purchase of a heat pump (maximum PLN 53,000) will be deducted from the tax base. The maximum total amount of subsidies for thermal modernization activities, including the installation of a heat pump, under the Clean Air program cannot exceed PLN 30,000/37,000/69,000 depending on income, while a list of the maximum subsidy thresholds intended solely for the installation of a heat pump is presented in the table below. In turn, investors building or planning to build a new house should be interested in the Moje Ciepło program, under which you can get as much as PLN 21,000 for a ground pump and PLN 7,000 for an air pump.

Support program Air heat pump with increased energy efficiency class Ground heat pump with increased energy efficiency class Photovoltaic micro-installation
Clean Air (basic/increased/highest level of funding) (in PLN) 13500/18000/27000 20250/27000/40500 5000/5000/9000
My Heat (in PLN) 7000 21000
My Electricity (in PLN) 4000

In order to apply for funding, devices must meet certain technical requirements and have complete documentation. By choosing heat pumps from the renowned NIBE, you can be sure that these criteria will be met. In addition, they allow you to apply for the highest level of subsidy available because they operate in the highest efficiency classes A++ and even A+++. Thanks to this, they are included in the group of heat pumps with a higher energy efficiency standard on the ZUM (Green Devices and Materials) list, which was created to help officials evaluate subsidy applications. Due to such high efficiency, the NIBE heat pump will also make it easier to achieve an increased building energy standard, which is a condition for obtaining support in the Moje Ciepło program, and from 2023 this standard will be even more stringent: EP<55 kWh/(m 2 × year ).

When investing in a heat pump, it is also worth considering installing a photovoltaic installation that will produce electricity and from its sale we will cover the cost of the energy needed to power the heat pump (or power it directly with this energy). In this case, the Moje Prąd program comes in handy, from which you can get from PLN 4,000 to PLN 20,500, depending on the level of advancement of the project.

Nowadays, a heat pump is almost a requirement of logic. It is ecological and economical in operation, and you can also receive significant subsidies for its purchase and installation. Is it worth considering another source of heat for your home?

Check out the offer of NIBE heat pumps at the Onninen wholesaler