Photovoltaics significantly reduces electricity consumption not only in single-family homes and various types of commercial facilities. Solar panels increasingly produce clean, green energy on recreational plots. Photovoltaic installation for a summer house - is it worth it? What photovoltaic system for a summer house will provide optimal efficiency? And what subsidies can the investor count on? We answer!
Check out the photovoltaic panels at the Onninen wholesaler
Is it profitable to invest in photovoltaics on a plot of land?
A photovoltaic system allows you to transform energy from solar radiation into electrical energy, which is necessary to power various devices. Photovoltaic panels should be installed in the sunniest place possible. Therefore, the roof of a summer house or a recreational plot, where (usually) there is no shortage of sun all day long, are ideal!
A high-quality, properly selected photovoltaic set will allow you to reduce your electricity consumption to a minimum, and consequently - significantly reduce your bills for electricity drawn from the grid, the prices of which are constantly rising. Installing solar panels is also a great way to relax in harmony with nature.
Photovoltaics is characterized by the greatest efficiency in the spring-summer season, and summer cottages are used primarily in late spring and summer. Therefore, PV panels are an excellent solution for this type of facility. The cottage has the chance to become energy self-sufficient, economical and ecological to the limit.
What should photovoltaics look like on a recreational plot?
A well-thought-out, properly installed, efficient and reliable photovoltaic system is an investment in the energy self-sufficiency of a summer house, the comfort of using a recreational plot and more effective environmental protection. Photovoltaic specialists always select solar sets individually, taking into account primarily:
- total electricity demand of the summer house,
- local and structural conditions, including the type of roof covering,
- preferences, requirements and financial possibilities of the investor.
To produce electricity for a standard summer house (with an area of about 40 m2), two photovoltaic modules with a power of about 300 W are usually quite sufficient. Two batteries and a voltage converter with properly selected parameters are also necessary. The function of the fuse protecting the installation from overcharging and excessive voltage is performed by the charge controller.
In addition, remember to orient the solar panels towards the south and mount them at an angle of about 35 degrees. This orientation helps to effectively absorb sunlight for most of the day.
Dedicated calculators are available for self-calculation of the optimal power of a photovoltaic installation – both simplified and advanced. In the basic tools, it is enough to enter the current monthly electricity bill or provide the monthly electricity consumption (kWh). The calculator will display the recommended power of the photovoltaic installation. Of course, such calculations should be treated as indicative only. Precise calculations and an exact valuation of the investment should be made by an employee of a company specializing in the sale of PV systems.
It is worth remembering to regularly monitor the performance and maintenance of the photovoltaic system. This is the basis for its efficient and reliable, long-term operation.
Amount of subsidy for photovoltaics for summer houses
In September this year, a new edition of the government program "Mój Prąd 6.0" was launched. The maximum amount of subsidy for photovoltaics and electricity storage and/or heat storage is as much as PLN 28,000! The "Mój Prąd 6.0" program focuses more strongly than previous editions on photovoltaic micro-installations and energy storage. For a photovoltaic installation and energy storage with a capacity of 2 kW to 20 kW, you can get up to PLN 7,000 of non-refundable subsidy. However, the amount of subsidy cannot exceed 50% of eligible costs. Invariably, subsidized photovoltaic installations must be connected to the electricity grid.
We encourage suppliers and installers of photovoltaics to familiarize themselves with the offer of our wholesaler, where ready-made photovoltaic sets, single devices and equipment as well as accessories and mounting elements for PV await. Onninen technical and sales advisors are available to support.