Photovoltaics - funding 2023

Dodato: Friday, 4/21/2023

Electricity prices are rising extremely quickly, using photovoltaics is the best way to obtain cheaper electricity. Thanks to numerous subsidy programs for photovoltaics, an increasing number of households and enterprises can afford it. How to apply for funding for photovoltaics and what amounts can you count on?


Clean Air Program

Under the environmental protection program, it is possible to receive funding for both photovoltaic panels and, for example, replacing a furnace or insulating a building. The amount of funding under this program depends on household income and in total you can receive up to several dozen thousand PLN. As the aim of the program is primarily thermal modernization and replacement of old devices with ecological energy sources, you cannot apply for funding under this program when building a new apartment or house. The estimated amount of subsidy for photovoltaics can be checked on the Clean Air program website, using the subsidy calculator. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of a similar program - Energia Plus, which includes co-financing for photovoltaics, heat pumps, wind turbines and even small hydroelectric power plants.

Check out photovoltaics and energy storage at the Onninen wholesaler

My Electricity 5.0 program

In the latest version of the program in 2023, you can count on higher funding amounts than in previous years. Households that will use the electricity generated for their own needs and settle their accounts under the so-called net-billing. The program covers both co-financing of the photovoltaics itself and additional devices. Under the program, you can earn up to PLN 6,000 for a photovoltaic installation in the form of a non-refundable subsidy. However, it is worth remembering that the program covers only new devices, and not, for example, reconstruction or expansion of an existing installation. The condition for obtaining funding is the completion of the installation project before submitting the application for funding; however, the photovoltaic installation cannot be installed earlier than February 1, 2020, and the devices themselves cannot be manufactured earlier than 2 years before their installation. It is also necessary to use the photovoltaic installation for at least 5 years after obtaining funding.

Read more about the My Electricity 5.0 program

European funds for photovoltaics

Financing for photovoltaics can also be obtained under European Union programs, e.g. European Funds for a Modern Economy. Support in this program is granted to entrepreneurs for investing in research and development infrastructure, implementing innovations, digitalization or green transformation. The program therefore covers expenses e.g. related to the purchase of photovoltaic panels or heat pumps. Financing photovoltaics is also possible under the European Funds for Infrastructure, Climate, Environment 2021-2027 program. The aim of the program is to support Poland's sustainable development and its transformation towards a low-emission economy. The following people may apply for funding from the program: local governments, enterprises and cultural institutions. Additionally, the EU offers a number of regional photovoltaics co-financing programs dedicated to individual voivodeships.

Agroenergy – photovoltaics for rural areas

Agroenergy is one of the most important programs for co-financing photovoltaics for residents of rural areas. The program allows you to receive up to PLN 25,000 for the installation of a photovoltaic installation, and you can also apply for funding for heat pumps or energy storage facilities. The Agroenergia program consists of non-repayable grants or low-interest loans. Co-financing under the program may be applied for by natural or legal persons, owners or tenants of agricultural real estate, whose total area of agricultural land is up to 300 ha and who, at least one year before submitting the application for co-financing, personally run a farm or agricultural activity. People running agricultural activities can also take advantage of the Energy for the countryside program, which offers a non-refundable subsidy for photovoltaics. Farm owners who purchased installations with their own funds are also entitled to a relief of 25% of the investment cost, which is deducted from agricultural tax.

Photovoltaics in a block of flats. Can I count on funding?

Recently, cooperatives and housing communities can also count on co-financing for photovoltaics. Financing for photovoltaics installed in apartment blocks can be up to 50% of the cost of investing in photovoltaics. The program includes both a new installation and the modernization of an existing installation, as well as investments in e.g. energy storage or heat pumps .

Is there a thermal modernization tax relief in 2023?

Polish taxpayers can still benefit from thermal modernization relief. Thanks to this, the costs incurred for thermal modernization of the building can be deducted from personal income tax. To benefit from the relief, you must be the owner or co-owner of the building to which the relief applies and which has no more than 2 residential premises. The building cannot be yet under construction. The relief can be deducted from income for 6 years and can be done by each co-owner separately. You can deduct up to PLN 53,000.

Check out photovoltaics and energy storage at the Onninen wholesaler