Principles of operation and calculation of the measuring orifice

Added: Tuesday, 7/18/2023

The measuring orifice is a very important tool used to measure the flow of fluids such as gas, liquids or various mixtures. It is no coincidence that it is widely used in various industries. What is its working principle and how can it be calculated?

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Check the measuring orifices at the Onninen wholesaler

How does a measuring orifice work?

Simply put, a measuring orifice is a device that uses pressure differences to determine the flow of a substance through a pipe. Thanks to its reliability and relatively simple operation, it is used in virtually every industry - food, energy, chemical and petrochemical. The basis for the operation of the measuring orifice is Bernoulli's principle, which states that two key phenomena occur at the point of flow narrowing - the velocity increases and the pressure decreases at the same time. This relationship means that the difference on both sides of the narrowing can be measured using the measuring orifice. And based on this, determine how fast the substance flow is.

The measuring orifice has a quite simple structure. It consists of a tube mounted in the flow line. There is a narrowing inside it, which increases the speed in this place. On both sides of the narrowing there are measuring holes that allow you to measure pressures. Additional pressure holes at the ends of the tube are usually used, because in this way atmospheric pressure can also be measured.

As soon as the substance flows through the orifice, a pressure difference is created on both sides of the constriction. The higher ones are measured before the narrowing, and the lower ones after the narrowing. This type of pressure difference tells us what its value is. If the pressure difference is high, it means that the flow is high. And vice versa - if the difference is not too significant, the flow is low.

How to calculate results from a measuring orifice?

IMI-TA measuring orifice for flow measurement Dn-20 kv-6 MD F0 To obtain meaningful results, they must be calculated. This is not a difficult task, you need to know the basic rules. Taking into account the pressure difference mentioned in the previous paragraph, the Bernoulli equation is used, taking into account appropriate corrections. In many cases, when the measurement conditions are very favorable and the flow is laminar, accurate results can be obtained, without any interference or other problematic events. Unfortunately, sometimes they happen, which has a negative impact on the accuracy of measurements. This includes incidents such as turbulence in the flow, less than ideal installation conditions or the presence of contaminants. Therefore, it is always very important to calibrate the measuring orifice, which will allow you to adjust the results to actual working conditions, thus obtaining adequate results.

Orifices for flow measurements at the Onninen wholesaler

The Onninen hydraulic wholesaler offers a wide selection of measuring orifices. They are all made of high-quality materials, ensuring reliable measurements in various operating conditions. The wholesaler's offer includes flanges of various sizes and construction materials such as stainless steel and durable plastics. They are reliable because they are manufactured by proven companies, such as IMI TA .

The brand provides access to the best flow measurement orifices with self-sealing measuring ports. Their main feature is fast and accurate measurements during hydraulic balancing. Durable, solidly designed, they guarantee a long time of use. The application is very wide - for heating/cooling installations, hot water installations and drinking water. Regardless of which model we choose, we should always remember the basic rules of use. Before installing it, check whether the orifice is clean and undamaged. It is also important that the section of straight pipe before and after the measuring flange is long enough.

To sum up, the measuring orifice is an extremely helpful and effective tool for measuring the flow of fluids and gases. It measures the pressure difference at the point of narrowing, so you can precisely calculate the flow of substances. It is no coincidence that the orifice is used in many areas where obtaining accurate measurements is most important.

Check the measuring orifices at the Onninen wholesaler