Ranking of the best laser rangefinders. What is worth knowing about them?

Added: Friday, 3/3/2023

Laser rangefinders are useful in many areas of activity because they allow you to measure distances precisely and quickly. What is worth knowing about this helpful device? What forest rangefinders can be recommended?

Laser rangefinder

Laser rangefinder - what is it?

A laser rangefinder is an extremely precise measurement device, which is why it is useful wherever accurate measurement results are needed, especially during construction, renovation and finishing works, but also in many other areas, such as energy, forestry, agriculture, hunting, sports, etc. It is invaluable in any task where the most precise measurements of distances, angles or terrain slopes are crucial.

Laser rangefinders are modern measuring instruments, definitely more innovative than optical and ultrasonic models. They tower over them in terms of functionality and technological advancement. Thanks to this, they provide extremely precise measurements of +/- 1-5mm/km. Moreover, they can be operated by one person, and not, as in the case of optical rangefinders, by at least two people. This not only speeds up and improves measurement work, but also facilitates matters related to staffing needs.

But that's not all, because laser rangefinders offer much more. It is also worth mentioning that they are less susceptible to measurement errors, regardless of whether they are committed by the operator (e.g. incorrect leveling of the device) or result from other reasons. Especially since most laser rangefinders are equipped with an auto-calibration function.

Check out laser rangefinders at the Onninen wholesaler

Laser rangefinders - how do they work?

The principle of operation consists in sending an electromagnetic pulse through the optical-electronic system, which takes the form of a laser beam. It is reflected from the measured plane and then returns to the rangefinder. Next, the beam is processed and thus the measured distance is determined. In phase laser rangefinders, the measurement is calculated based on the travel time of the section in two planes (based on the measurement of the phase shift of the transmitted and returning EM wave).

There is also another way to do it, which involves pulse laser rangefinders. This determines the direct time that the impulse needs to travel between the rangefinder and the object and between the object and the rangefinder. Laser rangefinders are also available that perform interferometric distance measurements, which provide by far the most precise and at the same time fastest way to measure distances. The problem is that these types of laser rangefinders cost quite a lot and are quite delicate, which makes them easy to damage. This excludes them from field research.

The best laser rangefinders in the Onninen wholesaler - TOP 3

As you can see, laser rangefinders are extremely useful and sometimes even mandatory in many areas of activity. Thanks to them, you can make precise measurements, but to do so, we must focus on choosing the right device. A wide range of various laser rangefinders can be found in the Onninen installation wholesaler . Let's get to know interesting propositions from the available offer!

Stabila LD220 rangefinder LD220 Stabila rangefinder

The Stabila LD 220 rangefinder is a compact, easy-to-use rangefinder that is equipped with four basic measurement functions. It can measure distances up to 30 meters, so it is useful in many applications, both amateur and professional. Its great advantage is that it is easy to use. Just like other models available in the Onninen wholesaler.

LD250 Stabila rangefinder

Another good example is the Stabila LD250 rangefinder , designed for measurements at distances up to 50 meters. This is an ideal laser rangefinder for tasks where you often need to document measurements indoors. Thanks to the integrated Bluetooth Smart 4.0 radio technology, we can easily, completely wirelessly, send measurement data to a smartphone or tablet.

Fluke 424D Laser Rangefinder

Fluke 424D Laser Rangefinder (100m) For really long distances, we recommend the Fluke 424D laser rangefinder , which allows you to measure distances up to 100 meters, regardless of whether we are talking about indoors or outdoor work. Easy to use, durable and reliable. Functional, equipped with a large LCD screen and buttons enabling measurements with one hand.

We have learned the most important information about laser rangefinders, so now we can purchase our own device consciously.

Check out laser rangefinders at the Onninen wholesaler