The sewage system consists of many elements that are necessary for the proper functioning of the entire system. One of them is the air admittance valve. What is it, how does it work and in which systems is it necessary to use it?
Check the air valves at the Onninen wholesaler
How does an air valve work?
The basic role of the air valve is to introduce air into the sewage pipes. Thanks to it, the entire installation works properly, and sewage flows freely through the sewage system. To understand the mechanism of operation of the valve, you need to be aware that the sewage system contains not only impurities, but also air. It is introduced through valves. Its presence is necessary to create the appropriate pressure in the system, allowing for effective sewage drainage. Air valves perform various functions in the system. Thanks to them, microorganisms will not develop, and unpleasant odors from the drains will not interfere with everyday functioning.
The material from which the valves are made is primarily a high-quality plastic, which is copolymer polypropylene. It is characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage. A major threat that causes damage to the valves are, among others, atmospheric factors, stress corrosion and detergents that are found in sewage.
The mechanism of the air valve is quite simple. By default, the air valve 50 remains in the closed position, if the sanitary equipment is not used, then the pressure in the system is balanced. The released gases can cause a small overpressure, but it is small enough not to cause it to open. Only when the sewage in the sewage system flows down, a negative pressure is created in the system strong enough for the valve to open. Inside it there is a special membrane, which, when opening, lets air into the system. It remains closed until the pressure inside and outside the system equalizes.
In which installations is it necessary to install a 50 aeration valve?
The installation of air valves should be considered quite individually, because despite their numerous advantages, their installation is not always advisable and necessary. These elements should be found primarily in multi-storey buildings. Valves protect the system against sewage backflow, reduce the problem of unpleasant odours from the sewage system by equalising the pressure inside and outside the system.
Air valves should also be installed in places where the distance from the sewage collection point to the sewage riser is significant. In such a system, air venting will be necessary, it will not only provide optimal ventilation of the pipes, necessary for the correct operation of the system, but will also be an excellent way to prevent water from being sucked in.
What are the consequences of not having an air admittance valve in the HT sewage system?
HT internal sewage is a high-temperature system, characterized by a special design and selection of materials from which it was made. Thanks to this, it can be installed wherever the temperature of sewage is higher. High-quality polypropylene is used to make components such as pipes and fittings, the temperature resistance of which reaches 95-100 degrees Celsius. Due to its high resistance to chemicals, it is a solution that is successfully used in industry, laundries, laboratories and industrial kitchens.
Lack of proper aeration can lead to many problems, such as:
- unpleasant odor in the rooms;
- problems with the proper functioning of the sewage system, failures such as pipe clogging or problems with water drainage;
- increased risk of leaks and damage to system components caused by high-temperature wastewater in the system;
- disruption of sewage flow;
- suction of water in the siphon.
A consequence of the above problems may also be an increased risk of infections in people who may have contact with sewage or a faulty sewage system.
In which installations is it not worth installing a 50 aeration valve?
It is important to be aware that despite the many benefits of aerating the sewage system, such a solution will not always be necessary. If good ventilation has been ensured inside the sewage system at the level of all sewage risers, where ventilation pipes have been installed leading above the roof, then there is no point in using additional aerators.
There are no problems with pressure and therefore no need to control aeration in the case of small installations. If the system consists of short and straight sections of sewage, and the amount of sewage is small, with a properly selected pipe diameter in the system, additional elements will not be necessary either.
In addition, the structure with the valve does not need to be assembled:
- if the sewage system has access to classic roof vents;
- when the pipe layout allows the use of natural ventilation, i.e. if there are no long, horizontal sections in the system;
- if the risk of negative pressure occurring in the system is negligible;
- in the case of industrial systems, because these types of structures often require the design and implementation of systems that take into account the specific needs of the activity;
- in gravity systems.
Air valves 50 at the Onninen wholesaler
Onninen wholesaler has many variants of air valves available. All models are characterized by excellent quality, excellent workmanship, which translates into the durability of the elements.
- One of the models is the HL DN32/40/50 air admittance valve with a thermal insulation housing, anti-odor . It is designed for aerating individual holes, both water and sewage. It is perfect where the horizontal section of the sewage system exceeds 4 m in length. The advantage is the wide temperature range in which it can be used, i.e. from -20 to +60 degrees Celsius. This model is characterized by an air flow of 5.5 l/s, making it exceptionally effective.
- One of the simpler solutions is the ONNLINE air valve for dn50 sanitary pipes D-692528 . Designed for internal sewage, it prevents the formation of negative pressure inside the sewage system, allowing free air flow to the sewage pipes located inside the system. Made of polypropylene, dedicated to gases, it cannot be used for liquid and steam systems.
- Another variant available for sale is the HL DN50/75/110 HL900 N air admittance valve , which is designed for aerating individual devices. It will also work perfectly in risers that are not led above the roof level. This model is characterized by a wide operating temperature range, from -20 to +60 degrees Celsius. The aerator is made in accordance with applicable standards (PN-EN12380-1), with a high air flow rate of 37 l/s.