Safety thanks to the lightning protection system: lightning rod

Added: Monday, 4/8/2024

A long time ago it was believed that lightning was a punishment for sins, and a stork on the roof could protect a house from a lightning strike. Today it is known that humans have no influence on electrostatic discharge and other natural phenomena. However, it can effectively prevent the effects of their occurrence. A lightning protection system, also known as a lightning rod, protects buildings against fire and other consequences of a lightning strike. Is the installation of a lightning rod mandatory? How does a lightning rod work? What elements does it consist of? And how much does it cost to install a lightning protection system? These and other questions about lightning rods are answered by Onninen experts.

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When is a lightning rod mandatory?

Lightning strikes are one of the main causes of building fires. A lightning rod allows you to protect your house, installations, electrical appliances and household members against the often tragic consequences of a lightning strike. The obligation to equip a given building with a lightning protection system results from legal provisions. Pursuant to § 53 section 2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of April 12, 2002 on the technical conditions to be met by buildings and their location (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 75, item 690, as amended): "The building should be equipped with an installation protecting against lightning discharges. atmospheric. This obligation applies to buildings specified in the Polish Standard regarding lightning protection of buildings.

OBO Bettermann insulated lightning cable, type isCon Pro+ 75 SW We are talking about the PN-EN 62305 standard, which introduces a system for assessing a facility's need for lightning protection. This is one of the exceptions when the application of the standard is obligatory. The risk (R) of loss of human life or permanent paralysis, loss of public services and loss of cultural heritage is calculated. Based on the obtained risk value, appropriate measures should be selected so as not to exceed the permissible tolerable risk (RT). The PN-EN 62305 standard not only contains a detailed description and calculation methodology, but also regulates materials and shapes as well as the minimum permissible transverse dimensions of the elements of the external lightning protection system in buildings (air terminals, discharge ducts and earth electrodes).

It also contains the rules for laying air terminals and the conditions for using the building's roof covering. To facilitate the analyses, calculation examples are provided for various types of buildings, e.g. a house, a block of flats, a hospital, etc. In practice, an investor building a house will rarely consider the lightning protection installation, leaving the decision in this respect to the designer. Moreover, in accordance with the provisions of the PN-EN 62305 standard, the designer may decide on the need to implement lightning protection or on the lack thereof, regardless of the calculation results, based on his or her own experience and knowledge. If you are planning to build a house or rebuild the roof, be sure to consult a designer. Do you design, install or service lightning protection installations? Treat the PN-EN 62305 standard as required reading.

It is worth remembering that having a lightning protection system may be required by the insurer. If you have a home insurance policy that covers the risk of lightning strikes, be sure to check the insurer's liability conditions in the General Insurance Terms and Conditions. This document often includes a provision that the building must be equipped with a properly functioning and regularly inspected lightning rod.

The role of the lightning protection system in building safety

When the potential difference increases sufficiently, an electrical discharge can begin. The task of the lightning protection system is to intercept the lightning discharge directed at a given building and to discharge the lightning current below the ground surface. Under the ground surface, thanks to the grounding system, the current is dissipated. This is briefly the principle of operation of a lightning rod.

OBO Bettermann round lightning conductor type RD 10-V4A 20 The lightning protection system plays a key role in building safety because it protects not only the facility, installations and equipment, but above all, human life. A lightning strike on a roof can cause a fire, damage an electronic device, and in extreme cases, electrocute a person.

In the case of most standard single-family houses, the use of a lightning rod is NOT obligatory, which does not change the fact that it is worth having solid lightning protection. You will gain peace of mind during lightning strikes.

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Elements of lightning protection installation

The lightning protection installation is not only a metal rod visible on roofs, but also a whole system of elements running on the surface of the walls and located in the ground. A traditional lightning rod is built:

  • OBO Bettermann insulated lightning conductor, type isCon Pro+ 75 GR from air terminals - air terminals are cables made of stainless steel or galvanized steel that connect the lightning arrester to the earth electrode, receive the discharge (lightning strikes the air terminal) and discharge the current to the ground, they must be connected to other metal elements of the roof, e.g. antennas;
  • from discharge and grounding conductors - the discharge conductor is used to connect the air terminal and the grounding conductor or the earth electrode in the foundations, and the grounding conductor ensures the connection of the discharge conductor with the earth electrode;
  • from the earth electrode - the earth electrode is metal elements of various designs located under the ground surface, constituting the end of the lightning protection installation, made of electrically conductive materials;
  • from test connectors - a special clamp that connects the discharge wire with the grounding wire, mounted above the ground.

What is an active lightning rod?

Active lightning rod is a solution that has been strongly promoted in recent years. It has a mast and a special head with an ionizing device mounted on it, which uses the surrounding electromagnetic field to increase the electric potential on the blade. A positive feedback system stimulates growth. As a result, the action of a bottom-up precursor is initiated. The discharges are discharged to the ground through a single air terminal with a pin earth electrode. An active lightning rod is intended to protect a larger area than a traditional lightning protection installation, but experts' opinions on this subject are divided.

Costs of installing a lightning protection system

OBO Bettermann round lightning conductor type RD 10-PVC Various factors influence the cost of installing a lightning protection system. Prices start from approx. PLN 2,000. PLN, but may exceed even PLN 10,000. zloty. The final cost will depend primarily on the square footage of the building, the size, shape and material of the roof, the type of lightning wire, the quality of the equipment, the number of earthings, the method of laying the lightning wires, as well as the location, pricing policy and reputation of the selected contractor. As a rule, you will pay more for a lightning protection system with an active system. It is worth asking several installation companies in the area to send you an individual offer. Don't rely solely on price. Treat this expense as a long-term investment in the safety of your household and electronic equipment. It is best to plan lightning protection at the building design stage.

Lightning rods at the Onninen wholesaler

At the Onninen electrical installation wholesaler , you will find the highest quality equipment for lightning protection installations. Our offer includes masts, spiers, air terminals and accessories, lightning rods, elements of vertical and horizontal air terminals, solutions for creating grounding and equipotential bonding, lightning pipes with accessories, hoops and lightning wires.

You don't know which lightning conductor or other element of the lightning protection system to choose? Onninen experts provide professional support in selecting solutions. Contact us!

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