SALUS Smart Home controllers support your home budget

Added: Friday, 2/12/2021

The longer you don't take action, the more money you lose /C. Wilkerson/

Home is the place where we feel best. We enjoy the decor tailored to our tastes, comfortable furniture, beautiful decorations and souvenirs collected over the years. However, the prose of life affects everyone. There is no greater joy for a homeowner than low electricity bills. Sooner or later we all ask ourselves the question: how to reduce the operating costs of the so-called media?

Salus Controls devices

Reduce electricity consumption - a few simple steps

Daily waste of energy – and therefore money – is a plague. We rarely think about the cost of imprudence: we don't turn off the lights, we don't unplug chargers, we sleep with the night lights on. By adding these and many other negligences, we unintentionally increase the operating costs of our homes.

What can we do to change this?

It is worth starting by replacing "energy-consuming" devices with those with energy class A , A+ , A++ , and preferably A+++ . But what about bad habits? We have collected some tips for you that are worth implementing today:

  1. Use devices with the highest energy consumption wisely:
  • do not wash small amounts in the WASHING MACHINE, do not wash several cups and plates in the DISHWASHER: the devices will still consume as much energy as they would consume when fully loaded
  • do not place the REFRIGERATOR near a radiator, do not cover the ventilation grilles and do not put warm food in the refrigerator: with poor ventilation, the unit works at full capacity, and hot food heats the refrigerator, which - to return to the proper cooling temperature - consumes more electricity
  • boil only as much water in the KETTLE as you need: if you want to make one cup of tea, do not put a liter of water - you will waste electricity on boiling 750 ml, which will cool down in the kettle and will have to be heated again
  • turn off the standby mode in TVS, RADIOS and COMPUTERS: although each of these devices consumes only a few watts in the standby state, over the course of a year these few watts will translate into real savings.
  1. In frequently used rooms, replace traditional light bulbs with energy-saving LED fluorescent lamps: not only will they consume less energy, but they will shine with bright, eye-pleasing light for longer.
  2. Plug electronics into power strips with a switch: thanks to this, you can turn off receivers that you do not use for a long time with one move.
  3. Introduce SALUS Smart Home solutions to your home: if you don't remember to turn off the kitchen light after dinner or you fall asleep in front of the TV every evening, our smart plugs will be the perfect solution. Working according to the schedule you set, Smart Plugs will cut off power to devices at a set time and reduce energy consumption. Just create a rule that turns everything off at midnight.

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Remember: each optimized device will increase the amount of savings!

Our golden thought: save without sacrificing comfort

It's not about saving money at the expense of your comfort - will low bills make you happy if you're freezing in a dark house? Cut off from information, friends scattered around the world and your favorite virtual entertainment? Unlikely.

This is not what smart saving is about. The secret lies in the efficiency of the devices and conscious use of them. The Smart Home industry was created to prove to you that by living frugally, you not only do not lose comfort, but also gain it.

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Salus Controls devices

Save on heating

This is obvious to many, but when talking about the burden on the home budget, it must be remembered that the largest part of the energy used during the operation of the house is consumed by heating .

If you want to save both energy and money on a large scale on a daily basis, you cannot ignore the SALUS Controls proposals for heating installations. Why? Because in the modern and constantly developing Smart Home industry, the segment responsible for temperature control is the most important for our company. We have knowledge and many years of experience in this area, and as a result - we have introduced many high-quality products and proven technological solutions to the market.

Why is it worth using intelligent heating control?

Firstly, by adjusting the temperature of the rooms to your current needs (e.g. 26 degrees in the bathroom for two hours, 23 degrees in the living room in the evening, 20 degrees in the bedroom at night), you will avoid overheating less frequently used rooms and unnecessary charges for heat you do not need.

SALUS Controls room regulators operate flexibly. Their task is to maintain the temperature you set in the rooms. This does not mean, however, that when you are away from home, you have no influence on the operation of your heating devices. From the office, from the restaurant, from the hotel in Las Palmas - you can react. Our regulators work according to established schedules, but they also take into account your ad hoc decisions.

Effect? Temperature control = charge control

Secondly, the free SALUS Smart Home application records and shows the energy consumption of devices operating at home, giving you a preview (and insight!) into the sources of your money consumption. The history of energy consumption will allow you to calculate costs.

You don't shoot in the dark anymore - a radiator in the hall, a lamp in the bedroom, a computer? Why are your bills higher than you expected? With specific data, you know what to keep an eye on and what temperature schedule to create for individual rooms. Where to install smart plugs? This way, your savings can reach several hundred zlotys a year , and this is already an investment.

Research shows that - aware that Smart Home really relieves the household budget - we are willing to invest in it.

Smart home from Salus Controls

Final conclusions

Modern technology is no longer a combination of technical parameters. It has become a support, a determinant of comfort and safety. A smart home is not only about command combinations. In practice, it is a place programmed according to your needs, which, among others:

  • maintains individual temperatures in rooms, set by household members
  • closes the blinds when there is high sunlight
  • enables remote and timed control of electrical devices (e.g. lighting)
  • records electricity consumption
  • detects and informs about unwanted events (smoke, flood, opening sensors)

SALUS Smart Home therefore serves as a personal secretary, accountant and security inspector: it takes care of the well-being of your family, monitors your daily schedule, and counts expenses.

SALUS Controls will provide you with perfect home control.

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