Schneider Electric Prima sockets and connectors

Added: Friday, 1/29/2021

Bezpieczeństwo i praktyczność to zalety łączników i gniazd serii Prima

Safety and practicality are the advantages of the Prima series connectors and sockets

Niewielki wymiar
Small size
Łatwy montaż i demontaż
Easy assembly
and dismantling
Atrakcyjny kształt
Wygodne zaciski śrubowe
Comfortable clamps
Współpraca z systemem KM minikanałów
Cooperation with the system
KM of mini channels

What makes the Prima series from Schneider Electric unique?

Characteristic: The Prima series from Schneider Electric is the leader on the Polish market among a series of wall sockets and switches with an IP20 protection level . The products have small dimensions (single connectors and sockets 61x61 mm and double sockets 61x101 mm).
Color: The Prima series from Schneider Electric is characterized by simplicity of finish and classic colors: white and beige.
Application: The Prima series is used in all types of rooms and utility buildings where surface mounting is required.

Prima: series products

Prima series accessories from Schneider Electric include a full range of electrical installation products: from illuminated switches, non-illuminated switches, single and double grounded sockets, single and double ungrounded sockets to single and double Schuko sockets.
Gniazda instalacyjne

Installation sockets

Łączniki jednobiegunowe

Single pole switches

Łączniki schodowe

Stair connectors

Łączniki świecznikowe

Candlestick switches