Securing the construction site thanks to marking: Warning signs

Added: Tuesday, 4/23/2024

It is worth knowing that most accidents occur on construction sites. However, this does not mean that appropriate safeguards cannot be introduced to reduce the risk. Today we will tell you how to maintain the highest safety standards. You will also learn how important a role warning signs play.

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Check the warning signs at the Onninen wholesaler

Types of health and safety boards on construction sites

The construction site area should be properly marked. The job of a construction manager does not only include supervising employees, but also ensuring the highest health and safety standards. You need to know that the construction manager is obliged to ensure safety and health protection. Information boards and signs are of key importance here. They should be on every construction site. This also applies to information on access and demolition or work at heights. There are various types of occupational health and safety boards.

Construction Warning Sign Tritite NO PASSING BTO-8 These include, first of all, warning boards, i.e. markings that must be placed at the starting point of each investment. Their goal is not only to ensure a higher level of safety, but also to minimize situations that potentially pose a threat to health and life. Of course, they must inform about the types of threats existing on the construction site. Their task is to warn not only employees, but also bystanders about an accident.

There must be prohibition signs on the construction site, which serve an informative role, i.e. inform about activities prohibited on the construction site. Occupational health and safety signs that refer to prescribed activities, e.g. the need to wear protective footwear or protective clothing, are also important. Of course, there should also be information signs such as first aid. There should also be fire protection and evacuation signs in the square.

How to properly secure a construction site with warning signs?

The construction site must be properly secured with warning signs. The regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure applies here, namely, such boards must be placed on every construction site in a visible place, preferably from the side of the entrance and the side of work being carried out. At the same time, the boards must also be placed on the fence or fence, which should be at least 1.5 m high. Building material cannot be stored closer than 0.75 m from the fence.

The construction site must be marked with warning signs, which should also be visible in the dark. For safe work and health protection, there should be rectangular signs with a yellow background in the investment area, e.g. Attention! Work at heights. It is also necessary to mark the boundaries of the construction site with warning signs. You can choose ones that are fluorescent. The information board must be located on the side of a public road. The type of construction work should be included on it. All health and safety signs should meet specific safety standards.

What should warning signs on a construction site look like?

Warning signs are necessary to maintain health and safety at the construction site. Such hazard signs should be visible on all sides of the construction site. Warning signs indicate various types of dangers that may result in an accident or pose a threat to health and life. They have the shape of an equilateral triangle with a yellow background and a black border.

Construction warning board Tritite ATTENTION WORKS ON THE ROOF OF BTO-5

There is an appropriate pictogram inside which informs about the type of threat. The warning board should contain specific information about hazards, paying attention to the method of installation. Well, it must be at a height that allows it to be easily read. A general warning sign is one with an exclamation point in the center. You should know that it means that there are various types of dangers in the work area.

Such a sign must be placed at every construction site. Another important thing is warning against tripping hazards. If horizontal transport equipment is used on the construction site, such a sign is also necessary. The most popular warning signs include warnings about hanging objects, side crushing or crushing your hand between the press and your foot. Please also note that the boards must be understandable and intuitive. The role of the investor and manager is to provide all types of safety boards, as well as to ensure that employees have specific permits, e.g. for working at heights.

When must there be a yellow information board and a BIOZ board at the construction site?

The construction site must be properly marked. There should be various types of information signs, as well as signs regarding occupational safety and occupational health protection. All types of information should be provided in a clear and legible manner. The yellow information board is very important. In accordance with the law, before starting work, the manager places an information board and an announcement regarding occupational safety and health protection, i.e. the BIOZ board, in a visible place.

The latter is necessary in the case of a construction site where work is expected to last longer than 30 working days. At the same time, at least 20 employees are employed during this work. This also applies to situations where the expected scope of construction works exceeds 500 man-days. The regulations do not have to be complied with if the construction is detached and does not exceed 70 m2, and at the same time the impact area is located only on a private plot, and the construction is carried out to meet the building's own housing needs.

The BIOZ table does not have to be used on facilities serving national defense and security, as well as in the case of linear facilities. A yellow information board must be placed at every construction site where work requiring a building permit is being carried out. This applies to both the construction of single-family houses and commercial investments.

What is the penalty for not having an information board on the construction site?

Onnline self-adhesive warning board POPs 105x148 (Do not touch the electrical appliance) NO2-NDUE Failure to provide an information board on construction sites may result in a financial penalty. This is treated as an offense. At the same time, the construction manager is responsible for it. He may be punished by the Construction Supervision Inspector or an authorized employee of the Inspectorate. The construction manager may receive a fine, but may also be held professionally liable.

Of course, a penalty may also be imposed if the information board is incorrectly filled out. It must be remembered that health and safety boards located at the construction site inform about the work being carried out, but they must also comply with the provisions of the GDPR. Remember one more important thing - the information on the board must be written in block letters. A waterproof marker will work best for this purpose.

Warning signs at the Onninen wholesaler

Warning boards used on construction sites are available at the Onninen wholesaler. You can choose, for example, a product such as a construction warning board: NO CROSSINGS BTO-8 Tritite . It is very clearly visible, even from a distance. Therefore, it is an effective form of not only warning, but also information. Of course, it complies with current regulations. Please note that the inscription was printed using screen printing, so it does not wear off even under the influence of moisture or rain. The board is made of PVC. Thanks to this, it is light and extremely resistant to mechanical damage and potential destruction.

At the construction site , the construction warning board ATTENTION WORKS ON THE BTO-5 ROOF may also be useful. There must be such a board wherever work is carried out on the roof. It has an informative and warning role. Well, every construction worker is obliged to maintain the highest safety standards. He must also be careful because there is a risk of an object falling from the roof.

The self-adhesive TZO warning board 105x148 may also be a suitable choice. The risk of electric shock on any construction site is very high, especially when generators are used. That is why such a board is necessary. It is self-adhesive, so it is quick and easy to install. It is worth noting that the glue is strong and resistant even to moisture.

Check the warning signs at the Onninen wholesaler