KAN-therm underfloor heating installation

Added: Sunday, 11/15/2020

The autumn and winter period is usually associated with thoughts about heating. The client then considers the choice of the appropriate system, considers all the "pros" and "cons", ultimately relying on the expert's opinion. Do you often encounter customer indecision on this issue? If so, learn more about KAN-therm underfloor heating . I invite you to read!

Underfloor heating – modern technology worth investing in

KAN-therm underfloor heating installation The decision to use surface water heating in the future will result not only in thermal comfort, but also in meeting ecological requirements and significant savings. If you want to make your customer aware of the benefits of water underfloor heating, you should point out all its advantages, not forgetting, of course, the issue of non-invasive operation , as well as long-term thermal comfort and savings over many years .

Underfloor heating is actually a large-sized radiator. Its operation is based on the fact that the heat comes from a larger heating surface, although it operates at a lower temperature. Underfloor heating has become more and more popular, primarily due to the fact that customers are increasingly aware of the need to use economic and ecological solutions. It is appreciated mainly by residents of single-family houses. What are the advantages of underfloor heating? Let's check!

See KAN-therm underfloor heating in the Onninen wholesaler

Advantages of underfloor heating. Why is it worth it?

KAN-therm Underfloor Heating is recommended for both large-scale investments and private buildings, where the heating process and maintaining the desired temperature is very important. The advantages of KAN-therm underfloor heating are presented below.

Advantages of underfloor heating:

  1. Constant thermal comfort of the interior is maintained at reduced temperatures (even by 2°C).
  2. The elements of the heating system are located in the floor structure (no visible pipes or traditional radiators).
  3. Building heating costs are lower.
  4. The temperature distribution is beneficial for well-being and health (higher temperature at the bottom - approx. 24-28˚C, lower in the higher parts of the body - approx. 18-20˚C).
  5. It is possible to use both conventional and renewable energy sources.
  6. It is characterized by ease of installation and the prospect of failure-free operation for several dozen years.
  7. The installation is friendly to allergy sufferers and people suffering from asthma. There are fewer dust particles and mites in the air.
  8. It is possible to freely arrange the interior and present the windows, which increases the level of aesthetics.
  9. No feeling of dry air inside.

KAN-therm underfloor heating installation - pipe

Underfloor heating - good quality is a guarantee of satisfaction

You probably know that once an installation is installed, it generates savings only in the absence of the need for servicing, modernization and replacement of its individual elements. For this reason, the products offered on the market must meet the expectations of investors who will use a given heating system for many years. If you do not want investment costs to increase over the years, do not look for savings where it involves a loss of quality , but pay attention to the estimated savings over time.

The above thesis is confirmed by an expert from the KAN technical department, to put it briefly:

Poor quality heating elements can turn against users , soon requiring repair, replacement and, in many cases, renovation of the damaged part of the building. The good quality of the heating system is demonstrated by its failure-free and effective operation for many years .

Underfloor heating vs cost. How does it look in practice?

The underfloor heating installation consists of pipes placed on the floor (they can be attached using a special tacker), which are covered with a layer of screed and at the same time connected to a heat source (including a condensing boiler). This configuration allows you to make the most of the heat generated in the entire room. In this way, a warm floor can provide heating comfort wherever there are pipes (not only around windows, as in the case of radiators).

See KAN-therm underfloor heating installations at the Onninen wholesaler

To install an underfloor heating system, you also need moisture-proof and thermal insulation elements , which you must install throughout the room. The distributor is also important, as it is responsible for the correct distribution of the heating medium. Of course, you cannot forget about the appropriate temperature regulator , which affects the comfort of use and aesthetics.

KAN-therm underfloor heating installation - comfort not only in winter

Considering the number of elements needed to properly install a heating system, you can probably see that the cost of underfloor heating is a larger investment than a traditional installation. Here, however, you should pay attention to the fact that in the coming heating seasons , the investment cost will pay off in the form of lower energy consumption, as well as the lack of need to modernize the heating system in the following years. Ultimately, this will translate into annual savings of 10-15%. According to estimated calculations, investment costs may be amortized after just two years of operation.

To obtain the best effect in this matter, the investor should choose the appropriate solution based on knowledge of the energy demand of each room. After pouring the floor, this will no longer be possible. At this particular point, we also need to pay attention to the floor finishing itself. The material that conducts heat best is natural stone, stoneware and terracotta. Vinyl panels for underfloor heating, which are specially adapted for this purpose, are also a very popular solution.

Cooler during hot weather - underfloor heating provides comfort not only in winter

Now let's take a closer look at the effectiveness of the proposed solution. Heating comfort, economy, lower energy consumption and the ability to connect the installation to alternative energy sources are not the only advantages of underfloor heating. The advantages of this solution include any interior arrangement, contact with a warm floor in winter, and the ability to cool the interior during hot weather.

The proposed elements of the KAN-therm Underfloor Heating installation include a wide range of installation accessories (including distributors, installation cabinets and automation elements), which will allow for precise selection of the installation depending on the specificity of a given investment:

  • KAN-therm Blue Floor pipe - was designed specifically for underfloor heating installations. It is available in a wide range of diameters and coil lengths. Enables convenient and quick installation of heating loops.
  • Thermal, edge and anti-moisture insulation - including: Styrofoam with a profiled layer of plastic foil, the so-called protrusions to facilitate pipe laying or insulation with special grooves and metal lamellas into which the heating pipe is mounted.
  • Elements and tools for mounting heating pipes - KAN-therm Tacker.
  • Expansion tapes and profiles.
  • Admixtures for BETOKAN screeds .
  • Installation cabinets in flush-mounted and surface-mounted versions - depending on the investment needs
  • Modern Smart and Basic control automation elements - wireless or wired.
  • Additional elements - plasticizers, floor reinforcement meshes, wall tapes and expansion joint profiles.

A quick calculation of the underfloor heating or cooling installation can be performed using the KAN Quick Surface program.

See KAN-therm underfloor heating installations at the Onninen wholesaler