Dimensions and installation of a urinal step by step: Practical bathroom tips

Added: Thursday, 6/1/2023

Entering the world of elegance and functionality, urinals are becoming an increasingly popular choice in bathrooms. If you are planning to install a urinal in your bathroom, it is important to understand the basic dimensions and installation process. In this article, we will present practical, step-by-step advice that will help you professionally install a urinal in the bathroom.

Urinals in a public toilet

Check out the urinals at the Onninen wholesaler

How to install a urinal? Guide

Step 1: Choosing the right dimensions: Before you start assembling the urinal, it is important that you choose the right dimensions that fit your bathroom space. There are several factors worth considering:

  • Height: The standard installation height of a urinal is usually about 55-70 cm from the floor. You can adjust this height depending on the individual preferences and needs of users.
  • Width: The standard width of a urinal is usually around 30-45 cm. Make sure you have enough space in your bathroom to accommodate the urinal without restriction.
  • Depth: The standard depth of a urinal is usually around 30-35 cm. Make sure you have enough wall space to comfortably mount the urinal.

Step 2: Prepare tools and materials: Before you start assembling the urinal, make sure you have all the necessary tools and materials. You may need a urinal, water shut-off valve, drain pipe, mounting screws, wrenches and a spirit level.

Step 3: Assembling the urinal: Now let's move on to the step by step process of assembling the urinal:

  • Choosing a location: Choose a suitable place to install the urinal. Make sure you have adequate wall space and access to water and sewerage.
  • Turning off the water: Before starting the installation, turn off the water supply in the bathroom. Locate the shut-off valve and close it to avoid leaks during installation.
  • Installing the handles: Using a level, mark the places on the wall where you will attach the urinal handles. Make sure they are securely attached to the wall to ensure the stability of the urinal.
  • Water Connection: Proceed to connect the water pipe to the urinal. Use a water shut-off valve and appropriate pipes to ensure proper connection.
  • Drain installation: Connect the drain pipe to the urinal, ensuring proper water drainage.
  • Testing: Once installation is complete, reopen the water shut-off valve and check that the urinal is working properly. Make sure there are no leaks or drainage problems.

Distance of the urinal from the wall

One of the important aspects of installing a urinal is the proper determination of the distance from the wall. The optimal distance will allow comfortable use of the urinal and provide adequate space for the user. Here are some tips on this matter:

  1. Standard distance: It is usually recommended that the distance between the front edge of the urinal and the wall be approximately 40-60 cm. This distance will allow you to freely use the urinal without excessive focus on the proximity of the wall.
  2. Convenience of use: It is worth taking into account the individual preferences and needs of users. Some people may prefer a greater distance to provide more space and comfort when using the urinal.
  3. Space on the sides: It is also important to allow for adequate space on the sides of the urinal. Providing free space will allow the user to move freely around the urinal and avoid accidentally hitting the wall.
  4. Correct installation of handles: Make sure that the urinal handles are mounted at the appropriate distance from the wall to ensure stability and strength of the structure.

By ensuring the appropriate distance between the urinal and the wall, you will create an ergonomic and user-friendly environment in your bathroom.

Dimensions of urinals

Urinal dimensions may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer. Below are the approximate dimensions of urinals that are often found on the market:

  1. Height: The standard height of a urinal is usually around 45-50 cm, measured from the floor to the top of the urinal. This height can be adjusted to user preferences and individual needs.
  2. Width: The standard width of a urinal is usually between 30 and 45 cm. This width can be changed depending on the specific urinal model and the available space in the bathroom.
  3. Depth: The standard depth of a urinal is usually 25 to 35 cm. This depth measures from the front to the back of the urinal and may vary depending on the style and model.
  4. Distance from the wall: As previously mentioned, the recommended distance between the front edge of the urinal and the wall is approximately 40-60 cm. This distance ensures comfort of use and freedom of movement around the urinal.

It is worth remembering that the dimensions of urinals may vary depending on the manufacturer and the individual preferences of the bathroom designer. Before purchasing a urinal, it is always worth checking the specific dimensions of the model supplied to make sure it will fit your bathroom.

Also remember that some models of urinals offer the ability to adjust some dimensions, such as height or distance from the wall, which allows you to adapt the urinal to the individual preferences and needs of the user.

Installing a urinal can be easy if you have the right tools, materials and basic knowledge. Choosing the right dimensions and carefully performing the assembly process are crucial to achieving a professional result. Follow our practical tips step by step and you will enjoy a modern and functional urinal in your bathroom.

Remember that for more complex urinal installations, it is always worth consulting a professional plumber to ensure exact adjustments to your bathroom.

Check out the urinals at the Onninen wholesaler