Uses and types of Hamburg knees

Added: Friday, 5/5/2023

Hamburg elbows are used in various types of pipe installations. This is a simple solution that allows you to quickly change the direction of the pipeline in a gentle way. Thanks to this, water, sewage and liquid media drainage installations are much more efficient, and their arrangement is also possible in small rooms with complex shapes. Today we will explain what a Hamburg knee is, its main applications and advantages. We will also explain model designations to make it easier for you to purchase the correct item in the future. We invite you to read!

piping installations

Check out Hamburg knees at the Onninen wholesaler

What is Hamburg knee?

The basic element of hydraulic installations are pipes - their disadvantage, however, is that they only lead in one direction, so they cannot be used to create any closed installation. For this purpose, you need to use fittings, including the most popular: Hamburg elbow. It allows you to shape the pipeline, adapt it to the shape of the room and twist it to individual effectors.

A characteristic feature of the Hamburg knee is its gentle bending angle. It is obtained in the technological process of expanding the pipe and simultaneously bending it. In this way, even very small radii can be created, which, however, ensure laminar flow of the liquid inside.

The use of Hamburg elbow in steel installations

Elbows are a key fitting used not only in home installations, but above all - in industrial ones. This is due to the advantages of this structure:

  • The gentle shape does not disturb the flow of liquids and gases, which is desirable in many processes.
  • Steel water and gas installations are resistant to very aggressive environmental conditions. For this reason, they are suitable for transporting many industrial substances that would easily damage plastic installations.
  • Hamburg knees made of strong and durable materials are very durable.
  • A large selection of sizes makes it easy to choose the right element for your installation.

Taking into account, in particular, durability and resistance to aggressive fluids and gases, this solution is most often found in industry. Hamburg elbows are used by the food, nitrogen and chemical industries in industrial installations. Steel pipelines work equally well for transporting water or gases.

Types of Hamburg knees

When looking at Hamburg knees, you can notice several important differences between them. This may be the type of steel used for production, the bending angle, or the size (usually given in inches). There are also two types of knees: seamed and seamless.

Hamburg suture knees   they are only used in low-pressure systems, which is why they are quite rare. They are connected by welding, which may generate pipeline leaks.

Seamless or smooth Hamburg knees are much more popular. They are made of one block of steel, which makes them resistant to temperature changes much better. They also cope with high pressure, which significantly increases the area of \u200b\u200btheir use.

Hamburg knee   connects installations with a gentle arc. Polish standards, according to which production is most often carried out, provide for bending diameters of 2D, 3D and 5D, where the letter "D" stands for the nominal diameter. However, models produced abroad may differ in this respect from domestic ones.

Designation of Hamburg knee models

When thinking about purchasing a Hamburg knee , you will certainly come across its marking. This is an alphanumeric string that precisely describes all dimensions of the element. The ability to decode such a marking significantly speeds up the selection of the right knee and its purchase.

  • The designation begins with the product name. In this case, it is worth reading carefully every word - you will find here an indication of the type of a given model.   Hamburg welding elbow   or seamed is intended for low pressures, while smooth or seamless - for high pressures.
  • The name indicates the angle at which the elbow turns. Most often it is 90°, but you can also find 45° or 30° models.
  • The next place you can find is the nominal diameter, i.e. the internal diameter, sometimes preceded by the abbreviation DN. It is given in millimeters.
  • The diameter is followed by the thickness of the knee wall. It is preceded by an "x" character, separating it from the previous value.
  • The pipe diameter is also given in inches again, at the very end of the description. Our offer includes even very large ones   8 inch diameter knees.

If you are not sure which Hamburg knee to choose - ask the seller or send us a message. We will be happy to advise you which model will be right for you.

Check out Hamburg knees at the Onninen wholesaler