Which condensing boiler should you choose and what should you pay attention to?

Added: Tuesday, 2/8/2022

A condensing boiler is one of the energy-saving heat sources. It is an attractive alternative to conventional gas or oil-powered devices. On the one hand, it allows for measurable savings on heating , and on the other, it causes less harm to the natural environment. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at condensing boilers and considering what parameters to pay attention to when choosing them.

Wolf gas boiler

From this article you will learn:

  • how a condensing boiler works and how it differs from a conventional furnace,
  • what to pay attention to when choosing a condensing boiler,
  • what are the characteristics of good condensing boilers?

Types of condensing boilers

The main difference between a condensing boiler and a conventional one is that the former uses significantly less fuel to produce a given amount of heat. All thanks to the use of steam generated during combustion. While in traditional furnaces it escapes into the chimney, in condensing models it is condensed by cooling, which allows additional heat to be removed from it. It is the phenomenon of water vapor condensation that results in a much higher efficiency of this type of boilers, reaching even:

  • 111% - in the case of condensing boilers powered by natural gas,
  • 109% - in the case of condensing boilers powered by liquid gas.

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Oil-fired boilers are also highly efficient, although due to the lower hydrogen content (and therefore water vapor generated during combustion), they are slightly less efficient than gas models. However, this does not change the fact that every condensing furnace is a much more economical solution than a conventional device. It allows for savings of up to 20% over the entire heating period.

Condensing boilers are divided not only according to the type of power supply, but also according to:

  • functions performed (single- and double-function boilers),
  • automation (boilers with and without automation),
  • installation method (wall-mounted and floor-standing boilers).

A single-function boiler is a basic heating device with a simpler structure and a more affordable price. It is used to heat the house, but if necessary, it can be equipped with an additional tank for heating domestic water. However, this solution is less economical than a practical combi boiler. This type of device allows you to prepare hot water regardless of the power supply to the heating system. It is also smaller in size than a single-function model with an additional tank, but you also have to pay more for it.

Condensing boilers from the WOLF brand

The division into furnaces with and without automation looks similar. The former are characterized by better economy and the function of adapting operating parameters to external conditions, such as weather. They can be controlled remotely. It is pointless to expect such comfort of use from devices without automation. Although they have a lower risk of damage and lower prices, they consume more energy and are more demanding to operate. In the long run, condensing boilers with automation will work better.

Wolf gas boiler The last criterion divides condensing boilers into wall-mounted and floor-standing ones. In this case, the choice should be quite simple. Wall-mounted models take up less valuable space and are a bit cheaper. Devices installed on the floor are characterized by greater resistance and water capacity, but it is much more difficult to fit them in a boiler room, especially if it is of a modest size.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a condensing boiler?

When choosing a condensing boiler, you should first consider its type. Once you decide whether a single- or dual-function model is better for a given heating installation, take into account the remaining criteria for selecting the furnace, i.e. automation and installation method. However, do not forget about the key parameter, which is the boiler power. How to correctly calculate the building's heat demand?

Both the size of the building and the quality of its thermal insulation will have a direct impact on the power of the device. It is also worth remembering the functions that the boiler is to perform (only heating the house or also preparing hot water) and the individual preferences of its users.

It is assumed that a building with an area of up to 150 m 2 , not thermally insulated and constructed in the 1980s/1990s. needs approximately 100 - 150 W of heat per square meter. In such a case, the boiler power should be up to 20 kW. If the facility is larger, you may need a device with a power of up to 30 kW. The demand will definitely drop if we assume that the building was constructed after 2000 or is well insulated. Then only 50 - 80 W of heat per square meter is enough, which allows you to limit yourself to a boiler with a power of 10 - 12 kW.

When choosing a condensing boiler, it is also worth paying attention to the controlled combustion function. It guarantees optimal operation of the device, combining high efficiency with economical fuel consumption. Thanks to this, regardless of the quality of gas supplied to the building, the furnace will always extract maximum energy from it.

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Wolf condensing boilers

Wolf gas boiler When looking for gas boilers for your customers, check out the Wolf range available in our online wholesaler. A wide selection of products will make it easy for you to select a furnace that suits the needs of the building in which you are installing or modernizing the heating installation. The available options include both single-function gas furnaces and versatile dual-function boilers.

The following boiler models deserve attention:

  • Single-function gas boiler Wolf FGB-28 - a model designed for home heating, characterized by compact dimensions that facilitate installation. It is made of solid materials that include copper tubing, an aluminum-silicon heat exchanger and a composite hydraulic block. The Wolf gas furnace has a built-in controller that allows for convenient weather adjustments and remote operation of the device from anywhere in the world.
  • Wolf FGB-K-28 gas combi boiler - a hanging model, characterized by a stylish casing and the use of durable components. Thanks to the stainless steel hot water exchanger, the device not only heats the building, but also prepares domestic hot water. It is equipped with an integrated safety valve, condensate siphon, expansion vessel, air vent and flue gas flap. The Wolf gas boiler guarantees comfortable operation, high efficiency and lower bills.
  • CGB-2-20 condensing gas boiler - a wall-mounted device equipped with an AM module, which, thanks to its compact external dimensions, is an ideal solution for heating systems and hot water installations. The Wolf gas furnace has easy access to the combustion chamber and device components, which allows for easy and convenient maintenance.

As you can see, condensing gas boilers available at Onninen guarantee safe and comfortable operation. You can easily find a device that meets all your customers' requirements!

Check out condensing boilers at the Onninen wholesaler