What is needed for a water connection?

Added: Friday, 5/12/2023

A water connection is necessary for convenient, trouble-free operation of the property. What should you know about its implementation? What formalities are involved? We explain this in the article below.

Permission to build a house - formalities

Connecting a house to the water supply network involves many formalities and takes a lot of time. However, the entire process can be significantly accelerated and simplified. Appropriate preparation turns out to be a key aspect - both formally and technically. To help you avoid related problems, we have prepared a concise guide. We explain what requirements the investor must meet, what formalities he must complete and what is needed for a water connection.

Water connection – formalities

Efforts to connect your property to the water supply network should start with checking the development conditions. Thanks to this, we will learn what the rules are for connecting to the water supply in a given location. In turn, the technical conditions (exact place of connection and scale of necessary network expansion) are determined by the relevant water supply company.

To obtain the necessary information and consent to connect to the water supply network , you must submit an application to the above-mentioned plant. The application must be supplemented with a current situational and elevation map, an extract from the land register and confirmation of the right to use the property. In some cases, it will also be necessary to run the connection through neighboring properties. Then the investor should also attach the written or notarial consent of their owners to the application.

After considering the application, the investor receives consent to make the connection, which is valid for a period of two years. The document should also include a list of activities to be performed in connection with connecting to the network. The following documents are attached to the consent:

  • a declaration of the plant about its obligation to supply water to a given property;

  • a draft contract that will be concluded between both parties after the work is completed.

Based on the consent issued by the water supply company, the investor can start designing the connection. The preparation of the project should be entrusted to a person with appropriate authorizations. It would be a good idea to cooperate with a specialist who regularly cooperates with a given plant. Thanks to this, you can avoid problems related to the receipt of the project at the plant and its approval at the city or commune office. The approved project is valid for three years.

In addition to obtaining consent and approval of the project, the investor should also notify the intention to start construction of the connection. This should be done a maximum of 30 days before the start of work, and the application should be supplemented with a plot development plan, a technical description of the installation and a list of required arrangements. If the office does not raise any objections within 30 days, the project can be implemented. Please also remember that the office will assign a supervisor who will control the progress of the work.

What is needed for a water connection?

The first stage of building a water connection is the selection of a contractor. This may be the water supply company itself or a company of our choice. In the second case, you should pay attention to whether the company's team has the required authorizations. The works must also be preceded by marking out the connection route by a surveyor (after completing the works, he will also have to perform an inventory).

Let's also not forget that not all municipalities offer water connections. However, if the property is located in an area where this is possible, it is worth considering such a solution. Having the connection built by the plant's team allows you to avoid problems related to acceptance and is often much faster.

As you can see, making a water connection, although it may seem complicated, does not have to be problematic. Just remember the rules mentioned in this article. If we decide to use the services of an external company, be sure to check its references and opinions of previous clients - thanks to this we will be able to avoid many difficulties.

Check water networks and connections at the Onninen wholesaler