The proper operation of the entire sewage system affects the precise removal of pollutants and various types of sewage. At the same time, for example, a high level of groundwater can cause sewage systems to not function properly and a backflow phenomenon to occur. It is worth learning more about this topic.
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Why is sewage backing up?
Let's start with the fact that each sewage pipe used in the installation must meet quality and strength standards. Plastic pipes work very well. At the same time, it must be remembered that improper operation of the sewage system can cause sewage backflow. The causes of sewage backflow are really different.
When the sewage flow exceeds the capacity of the sewage system, there is a rapid increase in pressure and then sewage backflow. The reasons for this state of affairs are really different. One of them is excessive load on the sewage network. Backflow can also occur as a result of heavy rainfall.
It should not be forgotten that backflow also occurs due to flooding, i.e. when there is a high level of groundwater. The phenomenon of backflow is considered one of the serious failures that can lead to contamination of the area. It is also worth knowing that if the rains are very heavy, the external sewage system may not cope with the flow of water, and then water from the canal may flow into the house through the connection pipe.
Effects of sewage backflow
The risk of backflow is particularly high in old sewage systems. It is worth being aware that both external and internal sewage should be subject to regular inspections, at least every 5 years.
It is therefore worth deciding on professional sewage cleaning. The effects of sewage backflow are very dangerous, because sewage not only dirty the surface, but can also lead to damage to the structure of the building.
It is worth knowing that, for example, wood rots under the influence of moisture. Sewage therefore causes materials to rot and even corrode, which is especially true for steel. We cannot also forget about the hygiene aspect, namely, sewage is very dangerous to health, as it causes intensive development of bacteria and fungi, as well as the development of mold. Overloading the sewage system, even a small one, is very dangerous to health.
How to deal with the problem of sewage backflow?
Sewage backflow is dangerous. Fortunately, preventive measures can be taken to reduce the risk of this phenomenon. First of all, regular cleaning and maintenance of pipes is necessary. Special methods such as hydrodynamics are used. It allows even very difficult, accumulated blockages or sediments to be removed.
Of course, modernization is also necessary. This applies to old sewage systems. It is certainly worth deciding to invest in efficient sewage systems that are designed to counteract such phenomena. Good practices at home also reduce the risk of blockages.
This means that residents must be aware that non-decomposable products, such as wet wipes, fats or oils, cannot be flushed down the toilet. Check valves should also be installed in the sewage system, as they automatically block the backflow of sewage.