Which metal cutter? Recommended models

Added: Tuesday, 3/7/2023

Machining many metals and alloys proves to be very difficult. The problems include cutting, which is often time-consuming and imprecise when using hand tools . To avoid this, use dedicated power tools . When cutting metal, saws work best.

Metal cutter

Metal cutting machines are available in many variants, differing in parameters, construction and, consequently, operation and purpose. But how to choose the model that will work best for a given application? What are the differences between different types of cutters? What should you pay attention to when choosing this tool? We explain this in the article.

Disc cutters

Circular saws are often referred to as saws or miter saws, and in terms of design they resemble table saws for wood. Devices of this type consist of a work table and an arm on which a disc with a motor is mounted. They are valued primarily for their efficiency and speed of work. Unfortunately, despite these advantages, they also have some disadvantages. The most important among them is the relatively low cutting accuracy. If a given job requires high precision, you should use a disc cutter (we will write more about it in the next section).

In the case of many models, considerable noise and sparks appear to be an inconvenience for the operator, and the working conditions are additionally worsened by metal filings being thrown into the air. Therefore, it is necessary to provide appropriate protection when working with a cutter - especially protection of hearing, eyes and respiratory tract. The solution may also be to purchase spark-free and dust-free models, but they are more expensive and less available.

Check out workshop cutters at the Onninen wholesaler

What should you pay attention to when choosing a disc cutter? First of all, the power of the engine and the method of connection to the shield. For the device to work efficiently, this first value should be at least 2000 watts. The strength and stability of the entire structure will be ensured by ball bearings. Both requirements are met by e.g.   Scheppach MT140 model available in the offer of our installation wholesaler .

Band cutting machines

The second type of metal cutters are belt models. They consist of a frame on which two rotating wheels are mounted. On them, in turn, a cutting band is stretched, which, when moved, enables processing. The teeth of the belt move in a closed circuit, so they pass through the same place during each revolution. This makes metal cutters enable very precise cutting. If accuracy is a priority in a given case, they turn out to be a very good alternative to disc models. However, please note that processing will take longer.

The efficiency and, most importantly, the safety of working with a band saw depends on the correct selection of the device. The following aspects are of particular importance:

  • belt tension sensor preventing operation with too much slack;

  • strength of the frame and the entire structure;

  • engine power – similarly to disc cutters;

  • the presence of a vice enabling the immobilization of processed elements;

  • option to remove the base and use it as a mobile tool;

  • LED backlight facilitating full precision.

The band saws available on the market also differ in their method of operation. We mainly distinguish automatic, semi-automatic and gravity (vertical) models. The former are the most efficient and are perfect for professional applications.

Plasma cutters

The third type are cutting machines that use the properties of plasma - electrically conductive ionized gas. It is used for cutting elements made of alloys and conductive metals, and its operation is based on the phenomenon of a current path between the electrode and the nozzle. This creates a plasma arc and then a pilot arc. The advantages of plasma cutters are primarily versatility - they enable several cutting methods - and high accuracy. Quiet operation is also important. The disadvantage, however, is the generation of a large amount of UV radiation.

The variety of cutting machines available on the market means that each user will choose a model tailored to their needs - regardless of their needs, the need for precision and the expected performance. If you have any doubts as to whether a given device will work in a specific case, you can count on help from our advisor.

Check out workshop cutters at the Onninen wholesaler