Which radiator should you choose for the bathroom?

Added: Thursday, 11/3/2022

Bathroom radiators come in many different variants, and the choice of the optimal one should depend on the specifics of a specific room. When making a decision, it is worth remembering that it is a device that must combine functional and aesthetic values. So if you are wondering how to choose a radiator for your bathroom , check out our guide. We will tell you which products will work best in your customers' homes!

Enix bathroom radiators

From this article you will learn:

  • what to consider when choosing a bathroom radiator,
  • what material should a bathroom radiator be made of,
  • how to calculate the power of a bathroom radiator.

Does a bathroom radiator make sense in a block of flats with central heating? Does it really work in single-family homes or is it just a more practical towel rack? It is not without reason that such devices have been popular among people planning construction or renovation for years. It is even said not to give up the bathroom radiator, even if underfloor heating is used. It turns out that these two methods of heating rooms complement each other perfectly.

Water heater, electric heater, or maybe water-electric heater?

To choose the right bathroom radiator , you need to know the differences between the models available on the market. First of all, it is worth considering the issue of power supply for such a device. You have at your disposal:

  • Water heaters – they can heat the entire bathroom on their own, but they do not work outside the season. The ability to dehumidify the air on cool and humid summer days is then lost. Water radiators are connected directly to the central heating system.
  • Electric heaters – they are the opposite of water models. They have too little power to heat a bathroom on their own, but they can be used all year round. They are therefore perfect for drying towels and provide thermal comfort on cooler summer days. Just plug them into an electrical outlet.
  • Water-electric heaters - a very comfortable solution that combines the advantages of both types of devices. Radiators of this type are connected to the central heating system, but they also have an electric heater for bathroom radiators that can be turned on at any time. Interestingly, such heaters are also sold separately, and their design is adapted to the construction of radiators.

Check out the Enix brand zone in the Onninen wholesaler

Bathroom radiator - not only heat

In addition to the basic heating function, a bathroom radiator also has other, no less important functions. Let's look at them all.

Improving thermal comfort

The prospect of leaving a steamy shower into a cold bathroom gives you goosebumps even before you take off your clothes. Heating the room to 24° C solves the problem.

Regulating the air humidity in the room

The bathroom is, by nature, the most humid room in the house. If they can be heated and dried at the same time, no further argument for using a radiator is needed.

Drying towels and light laundry

The bathroom is best suited for drying towels and washcloths, but due to the humidity it is also the most difficult there. A radiator solves the problem!

Decorative function

A well-selected device offers not only practical but also aesthetic advantages.

Bathroom radiators - options to choose from

Bathroom radiators available on the market come in many variants, differing in both material and heating power. We will analyze both of these parameters in the following paragraphs.

Bathroom radiators from Enix

Radiators for the bathroom – what material to choose?

Enix bathroom radiators The material of the radiator is one of the most important criteria for selecting this device. It determines primarily its durability and the method of installation. The type of material will largely depend on how the radiator is powered.

Aluminum or copper radiators

Bathroom electric radiators are most often made of aluminum. It is a light material that facilitates installation and has optimal technical parameters. Copper, however, is usually found in water models. This metal is worth choosing, especially when the heating system is also made of it. Copper can also be easily connected to plastic cables.

Enix bathroom radiators

Steel radiators

Despite the widespread use of copper and aluminum in bathroom radiators, manufacturers most often use steel. It is exceptionally resistant, far superior to other materials. Both water- and electricity-powered devices are made of steel. When combining a steel radiator with a copper central heating installation, remember to use Teflon spacers in places where different materials meet. This will prevent corrosion.

Check out bathroom radiators at the Onninen wholesaler

Radiator finishing

It is also worth mentioning the issue of radiator coating. The finish determines both the durability of the devices and their resistance to corrosion, as well as their aesthetic value. The powder method works best in this case, as it guarantees perfect coverage and a smooth surface of the radiators even after many years of use. Products can be varnished, chrome-plated, metalized or satin-finished. As you might guess, they come in many different colors.

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How to choose the power of a radiator for a bathroom?

One of the key criteria for selecting a radiator is its power. To determine this value, you need to know:

  • supply and return temperature of water in the central heating installation,
  • the temperature you want in the bathroom,
  • room heat demand.

Enix bathroom radiators

Remember that if the bathroom radiator is to be used not only to heat the bathroom, but also to dry towels, it is worth choosing a model with a power 10 - 20% higher than that resulting from the calculations. Also pay attention to how the device is connected to the installation. In the case of bottom heating, it is good to add another 10%, because manufacturers most often specify the power for top-bottom heating, which is the most efficient.

How to calculate the power of a bathroom radiator? First, you need to know the dimensions of the room. So measure its surface and height. The larger the volume of the bathroom, the higher the efficiency of the radiator. The selection of power should also depend on the quality of the building's insulation. Old, poorly insulated buildings will require much more heat energy.

It is assumed that the radiator power should be 100-130 W per 1 m2 . Greater efficiency will only be needed if the volume of the room is influenced by, for example, high ceilings. Remember that the temperature in the bathroom must always be slightly higher than in other rooms. To sum up - if you install a ladder radiator in a room with an area of 5 m 2 , its power should be no less than 500 W.

Choosing a radiator and underfloor heating

An important issue that should be taken into account when choosing a bathroom radiator is underfloor heating. The combination of these two heat sources is an optimal solution, ensuring a high level of comfort, especially in larger rooms. When choosing such a model, it is worth ensuring full compatibility of both systems. It can be achieved thanks to one thermostatic head controlling both the radiator and underfloor heating.

Thanks to this solution, the user can use the full potential of both heat sources. As a result, it will quickly dry wet towels and at the same time provide exceptional comfort. A heated floor will have a positive impact on your well-being and eliminate the problem of wet carpets.

Bathroom radiators in the Onninen offer

When choosing a radiator for your client's bathroom, check out the range of our Onninen hydraulic wholesaler . Here you will find efficient devices from renowned manufacturers, among which the Enix brand is worth paying special attention to. Its offer includes both water models and innovative electric heaters. A wide selection will make it easy for you to provide your customers with solutions tailored to their needs.

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