What size should the sorting bin be?

Added: Thursday, 9/7/2023

Segregating waste is very important for environmental reasons. Reuse, or recycling, is an opportunity to reduce the amount of waste that would normally take hundreds of years to decompose. Thanks to segregation, waste is also selected and those that are not suitable for recycling can be disposed of under special conditions. Therefore, it is worth ensuring that you have a sorting bin. What size basket will work best?

Kobieta wyrzuca śmieci na do koszy do segregacji

Check out sorting bins at the Onninen wholesaler

Why is waste segregation important?

Our planet is becoming more and more cluttered. A lot of waste and pollution ends up in the seas and oceans, not only from ships and container ships, but also from land. Much waste, despite appeals, ends up in forests, polluting the soil, plants and causing animal diseases. By separating waste, we contribute to improving the ecosystem. As a result, less waste goes to landfills.

Mini Franke waste containers Most of the separated waste can be reused. Some of them are processed and melted down, others are crushed after cleaning and used to create the same products, other things or textile products. This is the case with PET bottles. We should segregate metals, plastics, glass, paper, batteries and electronics.

The latter should be placed in special containers, just like used medicines. Segregated waste that cannot be reused is disposed of under special conditions. Of course, at home it is necessary to have basic segregation bins , i.e. for metals and plastics, paper, bio waste and glass.

How many compartments should a sorting bin have?

The segregation bin should, first of all, be adapted to the type of waste stored. A garbage container may have several compartments. Most often, a waste container has two or three compartments. The type of segregation container you should buy also depends on the place where it is to be used. A model for three types of waste will definitely work in the kitchen. In addition to metals, plastics and paper, you will also need a compartment for mixed waste, i.e. waste that cannot be recycled.

How to choose the right waste bin capacity: 120 or 240L?

A waste bin can have a capacity of one to several hundred liters. The latter are waste containers, which are most often placed in front of the property or placed behind the workplace, in such a way that services dealing with selective municipal waste collection have easy access to them. A 120 liter waste bin is sufficient for a family of 4 with waste collection frequency every week. Usually, the collection of sorted waste is scheduled twice a month, so it is better to choose a 240 liter container, unless you generate less waste.

Franke Cube corner waste bin Of course, it may happen that there is much less paper waste than plastic, or vice versa. Then you can choose waste containers of various sizes, tailored to your needs. When it comes to home use, smaller waste sorters work best. A waste container with two 18-liter compartments and side partitions is completely sufficient for the kitchen.

It is worth remembering to choose the right color of the bin or garbage container or to choose bags in appropriate colors, which will facilitate proper segregation. As a reminder, blue color is assigned to paper, green - to glass waste, yellow or red - to plastic and metal waste, and brown - to bio waste. Black, on the other hand, is suitable for mixed waste.

Segregation containers at the Onninen wholesaler

Franke Trolley Vario 60L waste container If you are looking for appropriate waste sorting bins, the Franke Cube corner waste bin may be the right choice. Perfect for a kitchen or kitchenette. It is equipped with two 18-liter containers and two side containers. It ensures ease of manual operation and storage of waste in an aesthetic way. The sorter is made of durable and damage-resistant plastic. When installing in a sink cabinet, use a universal extension.

For small kitchenettes , the mini Franke garbage containers will be suitable. Makes everyday sorting of garbage easier. It will work well in work kitchens near offices. For the most demanding users, we recommend the Franke Trolley Vario 60L garbage container . It is equipped with three waste containers. It is made of easy-to-clean plastic. In the case of this sorter, it is recommended to install it in a cabinet with a high, retractable front.

Check out sorting bins at the Onninen wholesaler