A central heating (CO) system is a commonly used solution in buildings, responsible for the efficient production and distribution of heat in rooms. Both the design and construction of the heating system must comply with legal regulations. All this is to ensure that the heating of the building is as safe as possible for users and the natural environment. Installers of heating systems should be up to date with industry regulations and laws and have the appropriate qualifications. Find out what standards and regulations a CO system must meet and what certificates a CO installer should have.
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Central heating installations in the context of the Construction Law Act
The Act of 7 July 1994, Building Law, is the primary legal act that regulates the design, construction, maintenance and demolition of buildings in Poland and regulates the principles of operation of public administration bodies in these matters. The Act contains provisions on the obligation to obtain a building permit or to submit a building notification for specific construction works.
For example, gas heating installed in a house under construction requires a building permit. The application must be submitted together with a diagram of the internal gas installation. This act often refers to regulations containing special provisions. These are primarily:
- Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on the technical requirements that must be met by buildings and their location (key regulations concerning central heating installations are included in Chapter 4. Heating installations);
- Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 16 August 1999 on the technical conditions for the use of residential buildings (key regulations concerning central heating installations are included in Chapter 12. Use of central heating installations and devices and Chapter 13. Use of gas installations and devices).
What Polish and European standards define the appearance of a central heating installation?
National standards should be of key importance for every installer. Although Polish Standards (PN) are not a de facto source of law, their application:
- is the basis for the effective work of the installer,
- plays an invaluable role in building the credibility of an installation company,
- very often it is a requirement of insurers.
These documents contain specific and clear guidelines on the design, installation and maintenance of heating systems and their individual components. The standards are based on the best industry practices, which is why they are treated almost as a guarantee of user safety and heating system efficiency.
The central heating system must also comply with European directives, such as Ecodesign or ErP, which in turn requires installers to keep up with both Polish and international regulations regarding energy efficiency and exhaust emissions. The European Union has been prioritizing environmental issues for years. Installers cannot forget about local regulations, which focus on the emission of harmful substances, the share of renewable energy sources or energy efficiency.
The most important Polish Standards (PN) concerning heating installations include: PN-EN 303-5:2012, PN-EN 12828:2013 and PN-EN 15287-1:2008 . Among the European Standards (EN) the following should be mentioned: EN 15502-1:2012, EN 13836:2006 and EN ISO 15875-1:2003 .
What certificates does an installer need to have to install a central heating system?
A heating system installer must have the appropriate certificates issued by accredited institutions. These certificates confirm their competence and professional knowledge. They are required by many manufacturers of heating devices and by insurers.
Their possession is also beneficial for the installer for image reasons. Depending on the specifics of the systems in which the installer intends to specialize, he can obtain certificates such as: F-Gas, SEP, OZE, BREEAM or LEED and energy qualifications (qualification certificates).
We invite central heating installers and other professionals to familiarize themselves with the offer of the Onninen wholesaler. Our assortment includes all elements of the central heating installation: from heating devices to radiators .