What should you consider when choosing a cutting board to make it practical and durable?

Added: Friday, 9/8/2023

A cutting board is an underestimated and neglected element of kitchen equipment on a daily basis. It's hard to imagine cooking without a cutting board! A well-chosen, high-quality board is not only convenient when cutting or chopping, but also a guarantee of maintaining hygiene and serving healthy dishes. The ideal cutting board should be easy to clean and resistant to mechanical damage. Is there an ideal? Check on your own!

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Check out the cutting boards at the Onninen wholesaler

How often should cutting boards be replaced?

Cutting boards are perceived as indestructible and many people believe that they can be used for years. This is not true. The cutting board has a relatively short lifespan. Experienced chefs believe that an average board can be used for about a year, then you have to throw it away and buy a new one.

How do you know when a cutting board is worn out? This applies equally to wooden and plastic boards. If scratches, visible grooves and depressions appear on them, and the surface becomes coarse, the board must be replaced.

Pyramis wooden cutting board In the case of wooden boards, sanding may be a solution, but remember that wood is very absorbent and absorbs various microorganisms along with moisture. A new board is protected for this eventuality, but sanding removes the protective layer.

It is definitely easier to keep a plastic, glass or stone cutting board clean. The last two types are perceived as the most durable, but they also have their drawbacks - scratches and dents appearing on them can damage the knife. Which means that the damaged board needs to be replaced.

What material will be the healthiest cutting board?

Specialists recommend two types of boards - glass and bamboo. Glass boards do not absorb moisture or odors and are therefore perfect for preparing raw meat or fish dishes. A bamboo board, on the other hand, is a special type of wooden cutting boards - it does not absorb moisture, so there is no risk of bacteria growing on its surface.

The choice between wooden and glass boards is often based not only on their health-promoting properties, but also on the kitchen design. There is nothing wrong with this, provided that the choice concerns high-quality products. There is probably no point in looking favorably at plastic cutting boards. They scratch easily and absorb odors, their only advantage is their relatively low price.

Is it worth choosing a cutting board made of tempered glass?

Tempered glass cutting board Tempered glass is resistant to mechanical damage such as scratches, so even intensive cutting will not damage the board. There is a small risk of damaging (blunting) the knife, but there is a solution - a good quality knife and cutting without intense pressure. Tempered glass cutting boards can be washed in the dishwasher, which certainly makes it easier to maintain hygiene. Moreover, as mentioned above, glass does not absorb odors or water. There is no risk of stains or streaks appearing on it.

Glass cutting boards guarantee hygiene and aesthetic appearance. Even after long use, such a board looks pristine and can be a kitchen decoration. When choosing a tempered glass board, remember that glass is glass. It may break if dropped on the floor. However, such accidents in the kitchen are very rare.

Cutting boards at the Onninen wholesaler

The Onninen installation wholesaler offers only certified cutting boards, whose quality significantly exceeds average products of a similar type offered in supermarkets. Both wooden boards, such as the Pyramis cutting board , and Franke tempered glass cutting boards from the Onninen wholesaler meet standards confirmed by approvals and certificates.

Check out cutting boards at the Onninen wholesaler